Choosing a domain name

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Nick, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    When you choose a domain name for a new venture or forum, what's your strategy? Do you like to choose a domain name that is:

    • unique and consists of outside-of-the-box thinking, (e.g. "" for a candy forum)
    • tailored to SEO goals, or
    • to-the-point and direct ("" for a candy forum)
    ... or do you not really have a preference and just go with whatever sounds 'right'?
  2. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    I choose the short, direct, and most importantly, easy to remember names.
  3. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

  4. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Creative. I mean. Setsou. ;)
  5. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Create a big page of random nouns & verbs. Cut them up and put them in a bowl. The get some kids to use pull the pieces of paper out and try to come up with a name.

    They are not usually successful, but it gets the creative ideas started. : )
  6. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I generally go the direct route, but there are times that I get a bit abstract.

    My latest projects are definitely direct and to-the-point.
  7. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Care to share some of those kids results? I'd really like to see them. I'm imagining an almost AFV type thing...or Bill Cosby's "Kids say the darndest thing".

    To the OP question....I look at the niche, and see where my uniqueness might standout. Nuts and all. ;)
  8. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    An unique name which clearly says what it's about
  9. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I tend to think a lot over night and search on namecheap any ideas I have and gather around 10 of the best ones and ask trusted friends which they think is best and see which is the most popular and make a decision on which one from there.
  10. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Actually I don't recall the particulars but we had a few laughs. : )

    Another thing to do is to open a Word document and type in some ideas such as "Admin" then "Addict" then right clicking and using the thesaurus Word has built in. That is what worked best for me.
  11. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    NameCheap and go hand-in-hand for me. :)
  12. crash1987

    crash1987 Regular Member

    Once I have come up with the subject of my forum I open notepad. For a good hour or so I come up a list of domains I would want. After that I go to my domain provider and enter them into in their search. Whatever one came back not taken I pick my favorite one from the list. I try to keep domains short and easy to remember.
  13. kaambiz

    kaambiz Novice

    A unique, ( meaningless perhaps!) short easy to remember and of course funky phrase. :p
  14. Grizzly

    Grizzly Regular Member

    I generally like to get right to the point. I've had (not developed anymore) and I recently aquired (although that's not going to be developed more than likely, too many legal issues with that for my taste. Although, I've been sitting on an for a few months trying to figure out what to do with it. It wasn't selling so me and someone I talk to regularly on MSN came up with Moving Up in Life. It really depends. If I actually know what I want I will find synonyms that are short and what I'm looking for for domains that are already taken. I think a little creativity with domains goes a long way. I hate seeing sites with a hyphen, like and I usually refuse to join those sites as to me it says a lack of creativity. Then I will remove the hyphen and see what's up. If it' sjust parked it really makes me wonder if the Admin even attempted to contact that owner to buy it. I got AF for $10 from someone simply because they couldn't develop it.

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