Hey everyone. My name is Chimpie. I've been working with online communities since about 2004. Glad to be here.
Welcome to the community! Your avatar is great! Monkeys are my favorite pets. And what online communities have you worked for?
Hey @Chimpie Welcome to the forums, I saw you on Twitter Can't wait to hear what forumcon will bring today!
Thanks. I had a whole bunch of chimp-heads drawn up for me. You can see more of them in the background of my Twitter page: www.twitter.com/chimpie76 I own www.skywarnonline.com (2005) and have been an admin at www.emtlife.com since 2004. Your tweet is why I joined here. Yeah, I'm interested in what will be said and shown there. I wish someone would live tweet from the event or even stream it. I'm really surprised vB doesn't make a bigger deal out of it.
ya, like even acknowledge it.. we have two forumcon threads here http://admin-talk.com/threads/6674/ http://admin-talk.com/threads/6891/ and then this one talking about vBulletin 5 http://admin-talk.com/threads/6953/ and http://admin-talk.com/threads/6934/ I hope a few will live tweet it
@Chimpie Nice, how big are those two communities? What inspired you to become a forum owner? I've also just followed you on Twitter.
www.skywarnonline.com is 3,777 members, 47,909 posts www.emtlife.com is 16,909 members and 406,052 posts I've been a member of forums since 2001. In 2004 I became a member of EMTLife and then just transition into a moderator, later an admin. I liked being an admin so I started Skywarn Online after a previous Skywarn community crashed and the owner didn't want to start it up again.
Damn, nice stats. Good job. Do you advertise your forums by any chance, or is strictly growing via word of mouth and search engines?
That's exactly how my community is growing as well. I've yet to spend a dime on advertising and I don't think i will because I'd spend money on contests, new banners, and such.