Chatting Time

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Ashley, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  2. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where all are free to speak their minds and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  4. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  5. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  6. Zlasarma

    Zlasarma Regular Member

    Have you thinking of changing your forum design? :)
  7. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    It will probably change whenever phpBB 3.1 comes out as Chatting Time is on a feature/design freeze for now but suggestions are still welcome :)
  8. Zlasarma

    Zlasarma Regular Member

    Ok but I think your goal for the next 2 months should be to have 200 members on your forum and then you may work on some new features and new design :)

    Wish you luck! ;)
  9. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    I don't think member count is important, more about how active the community is, etc. as a forum could have hundreds of members but only have 10 of them for example actively post each day...
  10. Zlasarma

    Zlasarma Regular Member

    Yeah but more members you have,more people will think that your forum is very active and when you change something on your forum,people will like that,or not,and here you go!Your members will have some topic to talk about and that's the "magic circle"...Round n round :D
  11. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Look. I know you all like big active forums, and this is totally understandable. And I know we don't have many people posting, but really, I'm thankful for the few people that we have posting. I really prefer smaller forums over big active ones anyways, so not having too much activity doesn't bother me at all. If you guys are so worried about the board being inactive, then why are you not joining up and helping us out?? I'm just thankful for what we have at the moment, which is just a community where we can sit back and relax. A forum does NOT have to be active to be considered good. Community interaction and content are more important than how active the site is.

    Also, take into consideration that forums take a long time to become a success. Really, people just do not know how hard it is to get a forum off the ground until they've tried it themselves. If you don't believe me that promoting a forum is hard work, try starting one yourselves, then we'll talk about getting a board off the ground. When Ash had Entertainment Avenue, I recall it taking him a good year and a half before the forum really started becoming active, and like CT, they rarely held contests and things like that. Some people like large forums, some like small ones. You can't please everyone.

    Anyways, status Update: Total posts 8,890 • Total topics 977 • Total members 142

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
    Somnium Shadow and Ashley.S. like this.
  12. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!

    Keep an eye on this topic, because we have some awesome changes coming your way soon for Chatting Time! We'll keep you posted!
  13. Soulwatcher

    Soulwatcher Regular Member

    I joined your forum the other day. I know what you mean about getting a forum off the ground. Most people only want to join established forums. And there is only one way to become established. My forum is about 1.5 months old and its been really slow going. One day we had a miracle and 15 people logged on and made 120+ posts. Usually we get around 20+ posts a day.
    Ashley likes this.
  14. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Thanks mate. That's one thing that's always aggravated me is how people want to join forums with a million + posts and loads of members, never realizing how hard it must've been for the owners in question to get as far as they were in the first place.

    Status Update: Total posts 9,029 • Total topics 984 • Total members 142

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!

    We also have two new themes for everyone to choose from. Come on down and check them out!
  15. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  16. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  17. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  18. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  19. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  20. The Ad

    The Ad Regular Member

    I've joined.

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