Chatting Time

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Ashley, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. GAKzb

    GAKzb Regular Member

    Nice board! Best of luck with it!
  2. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 7,799 • Total topics 906 • Total members 130

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  4. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 7,829 • Total topics 908 • Total members 130

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nice, you are not too far from 8,000! You can do it Ashley :thumbsup:
  6. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Thanks a ton, Kaiser. We are fastly approaching the 9 month anniversary mark as well! May 22, to be exact!

    Anyways, Status Update: Total posts 7,931 • Total topics 920 • Total members 130

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Wow, great to hear ! :)
  8. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Thanks! Status Update: Total posts 7,941 • Total topics 920 • Total members 130

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!

    I'm currently trying to see if we can work out another revamp of the forum. This time by finding a new theme. We've been using the same theme for over a year now, and I think a change up will make all the difference, which could also explain the lack of activity. Discussing this with staff as we speak. I know Ash doesn't want to do anything till the next phpBB release, but we have been using the same theme for almost a year now, and it is getting a tad boring. I'm going to hunt around the next few days and see if there's a good site we can use, or I might even see about getting a custom theme all together.
  9. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    Hey Ashley, just went to check out the site and noticed you have an error on it. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  10. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Hello Bamboo,

    That message is very temperamental, sometimes it will show, sometimes it won't. I'll be looking into fixing it at some point soon, it's just finding the time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  11. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Yeah, we have gotten a fair few complaints on this, and I know even our co-admin has been complaining about it off and on. But thankfully it's not a permanent error, so really, until we can get around to fixing it, all I can do is just tell you guys to have patience and keep logging on as you can.

    Status Update: Total posts 7,974 • Total topics 922 • Total members 131

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  12. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,061 • Total topics 925 • Total members 132

    Heads Up: If you have been wanting to sign up to chatting time, but have not been able to because you haven't been able to use your desired username, well, we have lifted the restriction and you may now sign up with your desired username!

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at todady!
  13. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  14. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

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    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  15. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,108 • Total topics 925 • Total members 134

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!

    We have been having some major problems with some of our anti-spam mods... rest assured, these will be replaced with mods that don't take up as much resource and won't cause so many errors. I have been lead to understand that a few of you have been receiving errors yesterday, and I apologize for this and I can assure you this will be resolved ASAP.
  16. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,123 • Total topics 925 • Total members 134

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  17. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,130 • Total topics 925 • Total members 135

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  18. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,163 • Total topics 926 • Total members 132

    Okay, if you haven't guessed already, our stats have gone down by a lot, because unfortunately, some of the registered members we have been getting have been spammers, so that's why the numbers all of a sudden down from what it was two days ago. So yeah.

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today
  19. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Updates: Total posts 8,190 • Total topics 929 • Total members 131

    We are still on the lookout for spammers so stats will probably be a bit funky for a while. I apologize for any inconvience and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

    Anyway, come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
  20. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Status Update: Total posts 8,215 • Total topics 929 • Total members 131

    Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!

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