Status Updates: Total posts 4,923 • Total topics 630 • Total members 91 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 4,974 • Total topics 633 • Total members 92 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,049 • Total topics 638 • Total members 93 At Chatting Time, we strive to bring you quality topics to discuss. Anything from current weather conditions to just plain old general chat, it's all right here! Best of all, we do not have a necro bumping rule, so if you see a discussion, even if it's one from last year, and you have something you'd like to add to it, feel free, just as long as it's relavent to the topic at hand! We are located at so if you're up for some general discussions, a place where you can speak your mind and have a good time. Then Chatting Time is the place for you! Also, if you like RPG's, we have a miniture RPG section for you to participate in as well. So come on down and join in on the fun!
Status Update: Total posts 5,064 • Total topics 639 • Total members 94 come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,155 • Total topics 647 • Total members 95 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Status Update: Total posts 5,211 • Total topics 648 • Total members 96 We are doing awesome and we can't thank you members enough for your constant contributions to Chatting Time! This seriously means a lot to us and we hope you come around more in the future to post with us some more and help us bring in some awesome discussions! We are a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Thanks a bunch, mate. This is actually what we're striving for is a clean atmosphere with stimulating discussions, so basically we try to keep it clean out of all the crappy stuff that's out there, which also explains the strict limitations like signatures and things like that. Anyways, Status Update: Total posts 5,223 • Total topics 648 • Total members 96 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,425 • Total topics 672 • Total members 98 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,452 • Total topics 680 • Total members 98 Chatting Time will go on as planned. I have made a public apology in the announcement section, and I hope everyone sees it and forgives me. Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussion at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,591 • Total topics 690 • Total members 100 That's right, Chatting Time has finally achieved the 100th member milestone! It's been a long hard road and there are still patches here and there, but we are doing awesome and we would like to share our success with you! Chatting Time is a friendly general discussion community where all are free to speak their minds and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Thanks a ton, Craig! I know there aren't too many general chat forums out there left, and there used to be loads at one time, so this shouldn't go too badly at all.
Status Update: Total posts 5,671 • Total topics 697 • Total members 101 Nuts, I am really falling behind on this again lol. Anyways, come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,676 • Total topics 698 • Total members 102 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. All are welcome to join and participate in discussions at today!
Status Update: Total posts 5,704 • Total topics 700 • Total members 102 Come on down to a friendly general chat community where you are free to speak your mind and have a good time. We are a growing community that is steadily gaining more activity. Check us out at today!
I like the design of your forum but I think you should have a litle bit more members than 102 Good luck!
Thanks mate. You can't rush these things, though. We're only five months old so we're still growing. If it was an older site than we'd have a problem. But it's not even a year old, so we're still trying to promote as much as we can. I don't like doing "dummy" accounts, so there's no way I'm resorting to that.