Is the chatroom ever used? If not maybe there should be a time posted when we all can get together and find out a little bit about each others thoughts and intrests. If it was posted to each topic board then all that wanted could be involved. Only a thought. KILLER BOARD NO MATTER
Yeeap your right. It's really strange,Omega Man like. (older movie about the end of the world, good movie IMHO) )
Thanks, I'll give that some consideration. I was also considering opening it up to a public channel spread over several sites, where their are always people there. We'll see. That might get chaotic. . I'm also moving it to a popup window shrinking the size to fit the chatroom. It's part of the next update coming in the next few days. Adjusting the look/layout to a degree, a couple of minor color changes, etc. Maybe we need a chatroom host or two even? . ------------------ ^Alien^ Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]