Sorry for this one...not exactly new. As a matter of fact I believe it's from 2004. My first ever attempt at a smilie (2004): View attachment 524
Thanks! Actually, I cheated...I built and mapped my little guy and his record in 3ds MAX and animated him that way. :nailbite:
I haven't used 3ds in years. I was quite a heavy user of that program in the good ole days. In anycase, the smiley is definitely creative, I don't think I have ever seen this variant before. Nice work. Would be prity cool if the Vinyl started to pick up in speed and the emot being flung off onto a wall of nails or a crucifix. :devil:
I couldn't find the file. I guess is was lost in one of my many upgrades. Here's a sneak-peek of my latest project. View attachment 547 Or View attachment 548
That's a shame, I would have liked to see that emoticon. I may even create one myself someday. With regards to the latest piece, The bevel is something I'm not to keen on. Is the whole effect from the Blending Options >> Styles feature in photoshop? Most of them I find can be done using the different features in the layers palettes with more desirable results. To get a better perspective I would use the distort feature as it's a more flexable tool to get your text angled better and more accurate.
Thank you, Shelley. Actually, it's not Photoshop styles, it's a really neat plugin that I have. Also, I did use the distort tool. :p I know you don't like bevels, and yes, I CAN design without them, but in this case it's exactly what I wanted. Thanks! I got bored tonite and decided to doodle (I should be working on several other things). View attachment 570 I KNOW it's not very good, but I thought I'd see how it might come out. :/
Okay, in on the backburner for now... I'm also dropping for the moment until vB4 is out. I want that CMS for it. So...what are your thoughts on this one? Option 1: View attachment 703 Option 2: View attachment 704 Hmmm...those look blurry to me... Here they are hosted on my site: Option 1: . Option 2: .
Thanks! Got some more work done today on a simple temporary site style. Mark thinks that the header is too busy (Option 2 above), but I like it, and I have other's opinions that are the same. I'm not asking for an official "review", which is why I'm posting it here, but I'm interested in what people's opinions are so far. Lots of graphics work to do (buttons, icons, etc) and lots of writing (faq, privacy, etc). Sci-Fi Scapes Feel free to join if you'd like. I'm not officially open yet, but it can't hurt to get some posts before I am.
not that I'm so versed in what is good etc. but they BOTH have their merits to me. the 2nd one is so Star Trek-ish to me. i cant pinpoint exactly why though.
Yeah, it's because in the latter series, you'd ALWAYS see nebulas and things like that in space shots. I just like the second one because it gives a nice contrast for the logo and fills the space a little nicer. My Fiance hates it, tho, and prefers the cleanliness of the first one.