Car Talk!

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Gibbs, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Gibbs

    Gibbs Novice

    My family agrees, we no longer buy American cars.

    Mine: (325i, 10% window tint all windows {Not in picture})

    Dads: (Stock XKR) EDIT: Not XKR, this is the 04 4.0 S-Type, Ill get a pic of the XKR when I get home next month!

    Then we have an (04/05?) IS300 (Moms) and Mazda 3i Sport (Brothers).
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Gibbs, I'm normally an Acura guy but I happen to have a Mazda 3s GT as well and it's a BLAST to drive. God, that thing is fun.
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  3. Gibbs

    Gibbs Novice

    Ugg, I hate the horepower in the 3i, its terrible! 0-60 feels like forever! Maybe its because I am used to the 325i. On the other hand, his interior is much nicer. He has all bluetooth connectivity. Everything is voice activated and all that. I love that stuff.

    Also, the shifter is upside down on the mazda when you turn it to manual...
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I know what you mean. I takes me a little while to adjust when going from the TL to the 3s GT. But the handling (particularly when cornering)... very fun. :cool:
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  5. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    You do realize Jag and Mazda has been owned by Ford for years. Jag was failing a part and worthless unless Ford bought it and turned the company around. And if everyone stopped buying from the Big 3 tomorrow, imports like Toyota and Honda would go belly up. You see neither importer has the money to build it's own supply lines. So they actually have a lot of their parts built by the exact same companies building parts for the Big reason the U.S. will never stop bailing them out. A failure to bail the Big 3 would shatter the U.S. auto market both domestic and import.

    Anyhow, I couldn't help it :p

  6. Gibbs

    Gibbs Novice

    I knew Jag was owned by Ford, but not Mazda. But I know that Jags (at least this model) is not built in the USA, and that makes me happy. :P
  7. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    I have an import, well, partly, my honda is an import though and I do NOT SUPPORT the bailout.
  8. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Of course it's not made in the U.S. it's a Ford awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_8a0bc05357cf197b1e41e27267091011.gif

    It's same the with Volvo, Land Rover, F150, Focus, and Taurus, they have them built over seas since it's cheaper. Seriously, the definition of an American made car is something that is 70% assembled in the United States. Anyhow, a lot of your high end car manufactures are owned or was owned by the Big 3 at one time or another. Chrysler for example was tied up with Mercedes and Lamborghini for years. Anyways, cars is the biggest waste of money in my opinion...domestic or import. My father in law bought his wife a Rolls Royce for their 40th anniversary. That car ran well over a 100k and is only worth about 20-25k today. We wrote a check for a new Z71 Tahoe 5 years ago and it's lost some 30k in value. I'm going to drive the wheels off that thing before I buy another new vehicle.
  9. Gibbs

    Gibbs Novice

    Since this is now a new topic...

    Anyone else done any tinting to any of their windows? If so how much? I personally have 10% on all windows but the front.
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Mitsubishi Lancer Girl here.

    Specially the 2009 Lancer Evo, though the 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X stole my heart.
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  11. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Not really a fan of the tinted windows - standard tint, sure... but nothing darker. The tinted windows on my Nissan Titan are actually darker than those on our luxury sedans (and there's really no tint to the Mazda 3's).
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  12. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    35% tint, then again I'm in Texas where the sun beats on one incessantly.

    Have two cars, well a car and suv. 95 Jeep Cherokee and 06 MINI Cooper S.
  13. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    It just seems to me Imports and Bailouts go hand in Hand.


  14. David

    David Regular Member

    In high school my friend tinted his windows twice with 35%. No sooner did he finish it, pull out of my drive way and go around the block was he pulled over and pulling it off right there.

    To much window tint in Ohio is illegal without a doctors prescription of course :D
  15. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    35% is legal in TX or is till till Sept 1 when I think it drops to 30%. Tint shops are supposed to put a sticker on the drivers door window indicating something that shows it's legal.
  16. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    It's been a while but I though the limit was already 30% for front side windows? Then the back windows could be painted black.

    Anyhow this thread needs more pictures.

    Daily Driver: 04" Z71 Tahoe

    Weekend Driver 1: 03" F150 Harley Edition

    Weekend Driver 2: 87' T-Tye Regal
  17. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    This is my new to me 1984 4x4 Chevy K10. Right now it is being completely rebuilt as far as the engine and everything underneath the truck goes. When that is done (this Tuesday) I'll have it shaved down and painted either gloss or flat black. It'll also have a 6" suspension lift with a 3" body lift.

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  18. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    ahh..the almighty regal beagle....had an 83 black regal myself at one point.. sweet ass car right there man...
  19. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master


    I've always been more or less a Gbody man. I've owned a 79' 2dr Malibu, 84' Monte Carlo SS, and a 84" El Camino as well as the Regal.
  20. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Mini Cooper S, First Gen. Right hand drive...

    Red, with black and white stripes. Custom black alloys. I will get a pic tomorrow.
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