Hello, So I just came back to this place after a while, and I want to edit my signature. However, the link seems to be gone from my username menu
this link? http://admin-talk.com/account/signature I see it just fine and we're using the default style so... it should be there for you
Before, it said a post count of 10, 0 days regsitered required. And now it doesn't come up with anything
you get this message now. you may not have enough "likes" as well, I think we added that in the requirements for promotion.
so I just checked and you need 25 post 1 like been here a week then you'll be promoted to the "Active group" and be given more permissions
I have over 50 posts, I have 30 likes, and I've been here since January, and it appears the edit signature link has disappeared for me. Could you please look into that.