i think ive given up hope on two of the forums i admin on. theres not been a post in weeks, hardly anyone goes there....the domain just expired too-i dont usually pay for it, the other admin does, and i havent seen him in months, the other one just never took off, and i dont think it will. im not sure whether anything can stop the inactivity, and since i started a forum that became popular quickly ive been spending less and less time trying to do things to make the other forums more active.
the owner did sell it to someone ages ago (a few times), the person he sold it to didnt bother coming online, and the forum got inactive, i ended up taking over for a while then he got it back. yeah, it is
well, he came back on a few months ago, bought a new domain, remade the forum...then he dissapeared again! i dont think the forum is worth doing anything with, the last post made was on 1st jan 2011, and the one before that was in december last year! no new members have joined in months, i logged in there now and im the only one who has been active in the last 24 hours. im going to just leave it and concentrate on my own forum.
I run a horror film site and had no problem with forum traffic or membership when we were forum-hosted on ipbfree. But then as of last summer, IPBFREE was shutdown by WEBNX. It sucked because we were going to migrate to vbulletin or IPB at the end of 2010. But since our forum, and every forum IPBFREE.com hosted was taken off line without notice, we had no way of contacting our regs and telling them about the forum shutdown. Luckily, before moving to IPBFREE...we were hosted on proboards. We turned that forum into a news archive/horror movie database archive after our move to ipbfree. We had close to 800 members on that forum. A lot of which had joined our ipbfree board. So through our database board, we were able to contact them and inform them of our move to new digs. We chose jcink as a temporary measure before purchasing vbulletin. Now that we've been on vbulletin for about 4 months? We have an active community because the newbies who joined our jcink board followed us to vbulletin. And those guys, combined with our veteran members, who have been around since the 2004 proboards days...post often. Traffic is not an issue really as we get sometimes 60 guests just a minute after a topic is posted. And our site is ranked on page 3 out of millions of google results for horror movies and upcoming horror movies.
a good reason to have a domain name pointed at a forum on a free forum hosting service: if disaster happens, the domain can be pointed somewhere else, and people will find the new location. or, if the forum is moved to paid hosting, people will still find it through the domain name.
True. But this wasn't even a disaster. It was an odd occurance. I went to bed on July 14th, and woke up on July 15th at 7:30 am to find our forum offline. Many other IPBFREE users, the same thing. There was just no warning, like at all. And IPBFREE was one of the largest free forum hosts out there using ipb software. That's something that I don't think has ever happened in the history of forums. Where such a major forum host vanishes overnight and is never heard from again. Strangely enough...the site BLOGGETRY? The same thing happened to them on the same day! They returned to the web though, eventually. IPBFREE did not.
that happened to my friend, hes found a host now that so far hasnt killed his forum now though. he lost a lot of posts and stuff
Yep. It sucked mostly because it was summer time. Tragedy always seems to strike when the weather is at it's best. Go figure.
I'm sorry for your loss. Try advertising! I noticed your forums is about ghost, well go on facebook and go to famous ghost hunter fanpages and advertise there!
its not the ghost one that i was giving up on, it was a gaming forum created by a friend...the other admin currently has killed it, by adding new sections and not posting in them, then the members left it. Zaboomafu Games • Index page i have no hope in reviving it, lol, i see too many mistakes.
i support this.......... dont give too much time on it......or it will jst increase ur stress... nothing else