I want to make a Canadian music site. It'll have a major online radio on it. I need names though. I'm thinking of stuff with "eh" in it, such as: musiceh.com radioeh.com But those look terrible tbh. Anyone have any suggestions? I want the title to suit music, as well as a hint at Canada.
How about something with "Canuck" or "Great White North" or something along those lines? CanuckRadio.com? GWNRadio.com? (Great White North Radio) Something like that maybe catchy.
Ah Canuck! It's not taken either. Sounds great! Thanks Arny. If anyone else has any suggestions, let me know!
Canada symbol: Leaf Category: Music I would go with Musicleaf.com, but that's already taken. Another good way to search for a domain is by going to name.com, and typing in something that you want. They have suggestions that can sometimes give you a good name... euphonyleaf.com Suggested $8.99 vocalizingleaf.com Suggested $8.99 bellringingleaf.com Suggested $8.99 mozartleaf.com Suggestion $8.99 classicalleaf.com Suggestion $8.99 musicriffle.com Suggestion $8.99 Outdoor-Fishing
3-2music.com....very Canadian but might not go down too well south of the border (sorry I have a warped sense of humour)