We all know on the internet if there is a subject, then there is a forum for said subject. So for your forum (weather it be coding, sports, gaming, ect.) can you offer something all of the other same forums don't offer? Or do you just open up a plain old forum and hope just join up because you are on it?
I think its possible. No two admins are alike. I've trained mine and all of my brother's staff, including my brother, and the styles are very different. So I think that with that fact alone, there will be a difference. As for myself, I'm not sure..
yes, every admin have different styles and they set up their forum in different ways. I learn from a Tech forum and my style inspired from that forum but now slowly and gradually i am growing my own style.
I try to be different as much as I can. it's true that every admin has a different administration style. and also, the forum's theme and the time spent to modify it will make it different. ^^