Can Moderators Ban?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Nick, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    They can delete the offending spamming.
  2. Tex

    Tex Adept

    We don't use forum moderators, we just have a group of super mods. I never understood the benefit of individual forum mods unless it's a huge forum. I setup the infraction system so the moderators have a large variety of infractions they can use, all of which can lead to a ban if a user gets enough infraction points.

    • 9 points -- 3 Day Account Suspension
    • 14 points -- 7 Day Account Suspension
    • 19 points -- 2 week Account Suspension
    • 24 points -- Account Termination
    For flexibility I also made individual infractions for all of the bans above should a moderator feel an instant ban is warranted for cases like hacking or spam. Only administrators can reverse infractions though.
  3. Mikey


    One of my mods has the banning power. All the super mods and then the admin.
  4. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    All our staff can issue infractions and ban members, thats part of their duties.
  5. Ramya108

    Ramya108 Addict

    Same on my forum.
  6. Grizzly

    Grizzly Regular Member

    My mods can warn and ban any member except me. I have a post of staff guidelines in the staff section that they all read and use to moderate the board. I want the boards run a certain way, and my mods follow that. In there it gives guidelines for perma bans (only for SPAM). Basically only for SPAM. If a staff member feels that a member should be perma banned they make a post about it and it's discussed by all staff. I try to not resort to it though.

    Depending on the forum and the staff member, I let them issue 3-7 day bans without consulting me (although I check the admin log daily). I require documentation from my mods on every action they've taken. If they warn a member they are to notify that member of the exact reason why (including rule number). If it's a reported post they are to post in the reported post convo what their action taken is.

    I don't know, personally I want to trust my mods with the powers to do that. I take backups every 6 hours and keep backups at intervals from one year to 6 hours, with multiple copies. I'm not to worried about a wayward mod.
  7. Ramya108

    Ramya108 Addict

    Be careful, Noles. I also had extremely trustworthy moderators. And they betrayed me. Can you believe that?
  8. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    the last admin i know who said that, woke up one morning with half their threads and members deleted, and no back ups, due to an admin, who was their friend and seen as very trustworthy, going a little bit mad after overreacting to a post by another admin
  9. crash1987

    crash1987 Regular Member

    On my forums moderators can only delete posts. Super Moderators can ban plus do everything else normal moderators can do. The only thing my super mods can't do is delete users, that's left up to me only.
  10. Ramya108

    Ramya108 Addict

  11. Grizzly

    Grizzly Regular Member

    This ties into my motto I live by with my forum. Do backups as often as you are willing to loose content. I do backups every 6 hours. If they go crazy that's fine, I can reinstall the backup and get moving again. That's an admin's fault there, no one to blame but themselves for loosing all that date. No matter how trustworthy someone is you can't predict people.
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