CallofDuty Masters

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by tech, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Forum URL: Call of Duty Masters - Masters of Call Of Duty

    Forum Name: Call of Duty Masters

    Launch Date: Today (30th December)

    Posts/Threads/Members: Threads 29 Posts 33 Members 2

    Forum Software: vBulletin 4 Suite (disabled CMS)

    Description: Find all the latest tips and resources on Call of Duty, Weekly video walkthroughs discussing the latest intel.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: Gameplay Video's, hints & Tips + Walkthroughs (coming soon)

    Currently i did one gameplay video earlier however its in bad quality as my usual game recorder wasn't working. Going to add about 5 gameplay video's tomorrow, some hints and tips maybe tomorrow as well.

    Youtube: YouTube - CoDMasterscom's Channel

    Twitter: Call of Duty Masters (CoDMasters) on Twitter

    Emailed Microsoft XBL support to see if XBL cards work overseas so i can give them away as a competition!
  2. MrThomas

    MrThomas Addict

    I like it.

    Would be nice to have some lighter skins, also you do have a lot of forums for two members. so perhaps merge some of them together.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I think it's a nice start. Although, I do have a few suggestions:

    • Spice up the header a bit and include a nice graphic or scene from the games.
    • Offer an alternative, light style.
    • Populate the forum with content, content, content before you even think about promoting.
    That's all I can come up with after my quick glance. Good luck with the site. :)
  4. tech

    tech Regular Member


    1) Already on my list
    2) Once SkinBox or another company release a light version ill get it!
    3) That i am doing, Going t create some more GamePlay vids today and some MW2 Special Op walkthroughs.

    Thanks again.
  5. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    That is about all I can think of as well.

    Now if it was me, I would join Yahoo Answers. They have a game section for one thing and I see a lot of CoD questions getting posted in the hunting section. Just answer the question the best you can and post a forum link in the source box.
  6. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Ooooooo, Thanks ill pop in later.
  7. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    YAY! A Niche I am very familiar with! This may or may not be good for you :p I am very critical with gaming forums :p I will be nice as possible to help you.

    First off, you are starting in a somewhat small niche. There are like 4 major forums (200,000+ posts or more) Call of Duty forums that don't include infinity ward etc. With that said, you need to do some serious work to become that big because it takes time and patience. Now time for my review.

    Looking at your skin at a glance, I had a hard time finding your logo.Hey! Welcome To Call of Duty Masters! is so large it takes your eyes right there. Your logo is very bland and small which doesn't give your site a defining look. I would get a new logo that is more unique and definitive to your site. Your skin is too bland and boring. It doesn't say you are a call of duty site at all. If you can take your skin and put it on any other forum, there is an issue. The skin is not unique at all. You don't have to buy a custom skin, but change it up a little. Different icons, different anything. Make it more call of duty. Same with the color scheme and the icons. The colors really aren't Call of Duty-esque. You could go more with green or sandy brown. That is more military like and works better since the game is that color. I do like how your favicon is the Call of Duty 2 icon. That is nice. Besides that, it does look better than the normal vBulletin 4 skin.

    I see that you took advantage of vBulletin 4. For you, I am not sure whether it worked so well for a few reasons. One, there are more gaming modifications for vBulletin 3.8. Two, there are more free gaming skins. Those are the main reasons really. You could have added the leaderboards and such for xbox live and everything else. Besides that, vBulletin 4 with the blogs work well and I like the sidebar. That is always nice to have.

    Since you have a basically out of the box forum, I don't see any issues. The main problem is that your server is slow and it took a while to open sections and threads. That gets annoying after a while, so you might want to look into speeding it up or switching hosts. It's not like you have a big-board, so its the server. I presume you are on shared? Its understandable for the size of your forum, but find a reliable one. Also, you don't have any Search Engine optimization what-so-ever. Take advantage of vBulletin 4's out of the box options. Change the URL's to make them better. Also, I suggest to get rid of the archives. Maybe purchase vBSEO? Your choice. These are only suggestions.

    As for the layout, I am very impressed with it. You did a great job with it. Not too many sections, it isn't overboard at all. My suggestion, which isn't crucial, but could be done is this. You don't need subsections for weapons: Primary Secondary Equipment Attachments. What will you talk in the main section for weapons? If you want to organize it, use prefixes, but you really don't need to talk about all of this. The most you will get is a thread about one thing in each and talking about classes and such. Just merge them all together. For single player and such, you don't need PC Xbox 360 PS3 because they are all the same, just different controls and such. Once again, use prefixes if you want to split it up. Just like weapons and how there is nothing to talk about in the main section, same thing with platform discussion and the media. Use prefixes or make it, it's own category. Although having your own category for your site's videos is perfectly ok. I will get into more of that later. One thing that bothered me was how Call of Duty 4 was above the newer, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. That is just me though.

    As for your site's appeal, the site is empty. You only have 4 members. There is not many posts. Hell, you haven't posted much. You need to put up content, content, content! There is hardly anything. Once you get that, you will have a better time. You obviously play Call of Duty, invite people on your friend's list. Offer them something for new members. I can't comment on friendliness since there is only 4 members. I like how you are posting videos, but there really isn't any content. I don't know why anyone should join? You say "Find all the latest tips and resources on Call of Duty, Weekly video walkthroughs discussing the latest intel." Post it! It may be work, but its worth it. I am glad there are no advertisements though. As for the general feel, its bland and doesn't scream Call of Duty.

    The aspect I like is how you have videos. The music ruins it. Make an intro video that shows your site url and such. It makes a larger difference. Besides that, I stated everything. It has a LOT of potential, but it needs work! You can do it! I hope you like my review. I have a gaming forum (that I am not proud of, but I am working on it) and understand it all. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to post them :)
  8. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Thankyou for the review but....I'm actually closing it, I have other uses for the vB license and i guess this was one of those sites that I just wanted to use the vB license up.

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