Buying XenForo Today!

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Azrael, May 5, 2011.

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  1. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Purchasing Xenforo today I hope I don't regret it....though I have absolutely no idea what I am going to use it for.....?
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Dont buy it if you dont need it. But its all worth it :thumbsup:
  3. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Have two other ones I do not need so whats one more not being sarcastic. Besides I found a great theme on the Xenforo website that will go great with what I have in mind. Only problem is it will most likely be tomorrow before I can do does not have mysqli and is going to have install it, that sucks!
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Lol what kind of host are you on? O.o
  5. Chris Marsh

    Chris Marsh Regular Member

    Good luck on your purchase, how much is it going to cost you? :D
  6. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    $140, got to find a host that has mysqli though..
  7. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Well went to HawkHost won't work on their server either regretting this already. Going to be another one of those V Bulletin disasters took three days to get it going.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    What are you talking about.. I use hawkhost and many others use it and they have their xenforo forums on it. Screenshot? Did you really try hawkhost or are you just saying that? Because as you can see AdminBB is on Hawkhost and it's running XenForo.
  9. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Well apparently they have changed up because it won't run it. Says MySQLi is missing or not there. And why would I frigging lie about? This is what I am getting:

    XenForo 1.0.1 - Errors

    The following errors occurred while verifying that your server can run XenForo:

    • The required PHP extension MySQLi could not be found. Please ask your host to install this extension.
    Please correct these errors and try again.

    Now does that appear I am lying?If you have any ideas I am open to them. Their support sucks.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    How do you know? Are you using the script that xenforo provides to see if the host is compatible?
  11. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Going to put it up on ForumPromotion and sell it.
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    How do you know Hawkhost doesn't support it?
  13. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    At this point I don't care! Been fooling with it all day and fed up with it....
  14. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I know that, but how do you know it dosent work on hawkhost as you said you tried it on hawkhost, you clearly haven't tried it as you are not answering my question.
  15. Mikey


    Check out some other hosts?
  16. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    Not going to argue! I know what I to let this go right might be a good idea.
  17. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    If it's not working on hawkhost, just simply contact them and ask them why it isn't working.
    If AdminBB is using Hawkhost and your not answering Kaiser's question, it really looks like you never tried.
    Ashley.S. and Kaiser like this.
  18. Azrael

    Azrael Banned

    I do not appreciate you or him either one calling me a liar! Both of you think you know to much for your own good.....its working now anyway so no big deal...won't be coming back here though for anything both of you have a nice frigging life..............
  19. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    Not once did I say you were a liar. I said it didn't look like you actually tried. Not "Your a liar.". Nor did I say or even try to say I knew too much or I knew anything? I simply gave you a bit of advice on trying to get it fixed and then said with you keep trying to avoid and not answer Kaiser it looked like you didn't actually try. So please don't get so defensive on people trying to help you.

    But I will try to have a good live. So far it's pretty damn good! ;)
    Ashley.S. and Kaiser like this.
  20. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    We only tried to help you. I believe its time to close this.
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