Hello there im currently looking to buy a bunch of websites. The budget for each site is low XX to low XXX. Please dont contact me if site is is XXXX figures. I have no requirements for the website except I will make a list of positives you can tell me that will result in you receiving more money. Keep in mind these aren't requirements. Positives Good/Some Activity. Site Isn't Outdated Social Media Accounts. If so link them. Revenue. If so include screenshot in PM. Traffic. If so include screenshot in PM. GA will get you more money but ill accept Awstats over nothing. A brief explanation of how traffic was driven to the site. Other domain extensions. Age Alexa Lookup Is this site unique and not a copy? Please PM me your websites your looking to sell and whatever information I listed above that you can provide. After that please add me on Skype at JoshSmith1000. I will check my Admin Talk PMS often for I can review what you have provided. All deals will be done through the Skype chat system, I dont do transactions through PM's. Btw I mean typing back and forth on Skype and not phone call. Looking forward to talking to you all about your websites.