Hi, I'm looking to buy forums, small, mid-sized, large, any kind of forum really, admin related, graphic related, general discussion boards, sport boards. Please post below you're forums & prices.
We are not interested in selling, but we are interested in getting another admin to promote our wrestling forum.
Flashgear, how do you know what a forum's value is? What is some of the 'research' that you do in order to determine the value or price you are willing to offer? I'm asking because I'd like to ensure that everyone is getting a fair deal in these type of transactions
I'm only looking to buy I won't be posting offers, the person who wants to sell will post it, if i think its worth the value i'll buy it, if not i'll offer them what i seem to think is a reasonable price, but i normally check backlinks, content, and active members/staff.
Make me an offer - Forums on console and computer games 5 letter domain name with wordpress and vbulletin forum.
Would you be interested in just joining our forums as an admin and paying for the hosting and upkeep? We wouldn't charge you anything, you'd just have to pay hosting.
Would only want the database & domain if i was to buy, i'll go check the content now, also i'm not offering. I did say to post you're asking price. Just checked, sorry, that's not the kind of thing i want. What forum are you even talking about? As i've said before, i'm only looking to buy, if you were to sell to me, you could still be admin and in charge of the site, if you wished..
Look at the link in my profile. I'm saying you can pay the hosting costs and become a co-owner. Don't worry, we aren't a stupid lot!
Just wondering, the forums you buy, are they on behalf of Crowdgather? Stupid question as you have them linked in your sig, but I just wanted to check if you're an employee of Crowdgather and acting upon thier behalf or not.
Thank you for you're post Mikey, I have replied to You're PM. May i just state also, forums i buy from this thread are for my own purpose, not crowdgather.
I have bought Parlancia Forums - Home off Mikey, i'm not looking to buy any boards at this time. If a mod or someone could close this.