How do you build backlinks for your site? Do you submit to social networks (other than Twitter)? They say link building is a crucial step when you launch a new website, but I'm not really sure where to start. I have my link in my signature on the webmaster forums I visit, but I don't really think that's enough. What more can I do? Thanks.
I'm half-heartedly trying the social network thing, but I don't think I'm very good at it... I resent the demands on my time. So far my favorite way of accumulating backlinks is to give the members an award when they link to my site. Of course, they're not all high quality links, but what are you gonna do?
Lately been focusing on Digg-ish websites. They give me more traffic than I actually expected Further placing a link to my site in signatures, on forums that are slightly related to my site. Haven't got much success out of social networks. Most of the time people are too lazy to click links and other people rip information from my site to post it there for those lazy people.
I should probably find someone who will publicize my sites on social networks for me without the hassle.
I joined yahoo answers and post on there and use my site link as reference I use digg and stumble entered an article to ezines have a face book group but haven't really worked on it much yet also have twitter account Also add link to siggy whenever possible on other forums and post links to articles if relevant Also joined aquarank which is a top aquarium sites voting thing--do get some traffic from that
Links in forum sigs get friends to link to my sites from their blogs Submit sites to directories twitter facebook myspace (this brings more traffic than you'd think) Get members to link to it on their sites and of course, if your site is vBulletin, installing the google/yahoo sitemap generator. LOTS of links when your site gets good indexing.
I think Facebook groups would work well, actually. I was reading the other day about some guy who had a sports forum; he went to the "fan page" or "group" for a variety of different sports teams and joined the groups, engaged in discussions, and included a link to his forum. He said he started noticing a lot of traffic referred from Facebook, so it's definitely worth a shot. Especially if you have a targeted niche like sports or even a specific sports team.
If you don't mind me asking, can you list some other sites similar to Digg? I really try not to spam Digg, so I only post a couple of links a week.
Backlinks are one of the best way to drive traffics in your way, its enable you to keep track of other pages on the net that link to your posts,backlinks are also knows as Inbound links,Backlinks are important for SEO because search engines will give more credit to sites that have a nice number of quality backlinks.
I can relate to your posts on social networking, me too. And your outsourcing idea is a good one. If you go that route, I hope you'll share your experience with us.
Many people have reported good success with article marketing. You know, you write articles and post them on sites like, with links to your site included with every article. If your content is good enough, the articles get picked up by other sites, and republished with your links. The article directories can also be a good way to flesh out a new forum with some good content. I just opened a forum about non-profits, and was able to start it off with hundreds of articles from non-profit consultants. If you use, look for their expert authors first. Many of the articles in the directory are kinda lame or worse, from folks who don't really know that field. I have a free gizmo that encourages visitors to link to your site, and makes it easier for them to do so. Give me a shout if that's of interest.
This could help you out, I have release few things to get people started with linkbuilding General Forum - WebMasters
Which forum software is that for? If you don't mind, a link would be much appreciated! My biggest concern is that my forum is brand new (literally about a day old) so if I drive a large number of people to it they're going to be turned off by the lack of activity. But then you don't improve activity without visitors. So it's kind of a catch-22.