boom bang!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ceparris, Jun 7, 2003.

  1. ceparris

    ceparris Regular Member

    Well chances are I don't know you, but whatever. My name is Bob, but my alias is "ceparris." Dunno' why I chose it, maybe just because I was blazed and I told that to the comcast guy, doesn't really matter. A name in a game is just another brand. Anywhoom I live in Oregon, and if you really can search for the city, it's there. My name is Bob, now a senior in highschool. Uhmm..My stoner friend's got me into all the great Blizzard title's like starcraft,warcraft 1&2,diablo 1-2,and warcraft 3. I listin to "underground" hip-hop, not rap, nor m.t.v., mainly groups like The Living Legends,Atmosphere,Freestyle Fellowship,Hieroglyphics, and all the basic hiphop groups. Anyways peace.
  2. Silverstrand

    Silverstrand Regular Member

    welcome to :wired:

    enjoy your stay and look both directions before you post

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