
Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by shihab, May 13, 2010.

  1. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    where do you think is the best place to use the blur effect in Photoshop?
  2. Insanity

    Insanity Regular Member

    Gaussian Blur is good for removing some sharpness from images which can help increase quality.
  3. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    o.....i have never tried that before, thats a very helpful tip :)
  4. Insanity

    Insanity Regular Member

    Just be careful with the amount you use, the exact amount will depend on the image but a good base to start with is like 0.2.

    I know it's a small amount but it's enough to start with, I would not got much higher than 0.5 or you'll start to blur the image too much.
  5. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thanks again Insanity :)
  6. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    Thanks for the info Insanity :D
  7. Khaleel

    Khaleel Regular Member

    thanks for that insanity i might use that
  8. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    it does sound like a really good idea
  9. Mini9

    Mini9 Regular Member

    Gaussian Blur is great on rendering "cut-outs" on footie banners :P

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