I was wondering if anyone here had experience setting up and running a blog network? I'm considering doing this. What I'm thinking is several blogs on one domain. What's the best way to run this? Wordpress MU?
Wordpress is pretty week at security. I can recommend b2evolution. Its another blogsoftware and has functionality for running more than one blog on one domain.
How is Wordpress weak at security (this is a question, not saying it isn't). I'm not too familiar with it in a technical sense.
In the short time i used it, i had to update it very often and always bc of security issues, where anyone could hack your server and so on. then, i stopped updating wp every few days because i had not much time for this site, and after a short time, it was completey dismembered by spambots and hacking-attacks. wordpress? NEVER! As long as there are acceptable alternatives, i refuse to use it again. Perhaps this changed in the last time, i don't know. But honestly, i'm not much interested in this script anymore.
Hmmm... I use wordpress but have never had that kind of problem. Anyway, software aside, what about domain name structure? Say the niche was tv shows or video games. Would it be better to have a blog on site.com/show1, site.com/show2, site.com/show3 or show1site.com, show2site.com, show3site.com, etc?
Depends on how you want to connect your sites. When they have the same main topic, i would prefer sites, which use the same domain as base, and for the subcategories either directorys /showx in the url or subdomains showx.maintopic.tld using domains to split one site's content would be very unrelieable for me. /imho