Blocking a country IP?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Fergal, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Fergal

    Fergal Regular Member

    Have you ever blocked a country IP address from your forum?

    If so, why did you do it and how did it work out for you?

    The reason I ask is because I own a forum where 99% plus, of the members who join from a particular country post nothing but spam and then get banned. Moderation would be much easier, if I simply banned that country's IP. However, I'm not comfortable doing this because it feels immoral.

    Are there alternative ways of dealing with this issue?

  2. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Nothing immoral about it. I'm doing that on 5 forums.

    It's simply a matter of statistics. The vast majority of spam does come from certain areas and I have no compunction about filtering those,It's rare that anyone even inquires as to why there registration was rejected. If they do, depending on what they say, I sometimes manually create a membership for them.

    On some forums, there may be additional reasons for doing this, e.g., if your forum is specific to on geographical region there may well be no point in accepting registrations from outside that region.
    Fergal likes this.
  3. Programmers World

    Programmers World Regular Member

    Or you could just put a Captcha on your site that cannot have its answer Googled, and a majority of the spam will stop. Sure, you will still get the regular spammer, trolls, etc., but the bots will go away.
  4. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    I admire your enthusiasm but not much is immune to spambots, especially not Captcha.

    And human spammers are at least as big a problem.
  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    @Fergal, Re
    Spammers are thieves who want to steal YOUR bandwidth without permission for their own benefit, so deserve little mercy.
    Spammers are parasites.

    We have had to make similar choices, in our case we found it was unacceptable to ban countries, as there may be some victims from said countries that need help. And they take priority.

    You can do a whole IP block on the IP range that the worse spammers are using.
    Another option is to ban the country's IP for say a couple of weeks, to let the spammers see that their efforts are in vain.

    There is a VB mod that stops non humans from registering, by not allowing any registration that is done in a very short time (seconds) that can be quite effective.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
    Autopilot and Fergal like this.
  6. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    More importantly, if you're using vBulletin, you can use a multi-pronged approach:

    Fergal and Big al like this.
  7. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    It is impossible to stop Spam. You can only deter it. I can easily code a spam bot to bypass every type of spam protection known to man. It is fairly easy and only takes a couple mins. The best thing I would advise you to do is to tailor your blocking needs to whats going on.

    And there is nothing wrong with banning a country. I mean if you are trying to make money and only certain countries hold high value, then block all the rest. That would not be hard to do.

    Though, I think your perception of the matter is a little off as far as it being immoral. It would be like having a fireworks stand. It is not illegal to sell them to children, but most stands do not. They just do not want to feel bad if a kid hurts themselves. Restriction is not always bad if used in the right way.

    Banning a country is the same as banning a certain email provider. Just saying...Also, to be honest if it is only one person or a small group doing this to you, banning a country will not matter. They can simply use proxies or a nice VPS or something. That is by passable too. But, who knows maybe you will annoy them to the point they give up.

    You should also look at the type of spam. Most times it is easy to determine what they are using to do it with, then gives you a better idea of how to deter them a little better.
  8. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Totally agree. But, just as with server security, using multiple strategies does at least minimize the annoyance.
  9. mysiteguy

    mysiteguy Regular Member

    Code a bot to by-pass every type of spam known to man in a couple of minutes? That's a stretch!
  10. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Actually, he said "bypass every type of spam protection" and those bots already exist.
    Cerberus likes this.
  11. mysiteguy

    mysiteguy Regular Member

    I made a typo and I offer myself up for the cross, lol.

    Seriously though, the point still stands, no one can write a bot which can by-pass all the protections, much less do it in a few minutes. Unless there's some new development tool I haven't seen in my 30 years of programming it's not happening. No such coder exists, and no such bot exists. Why? Well, they don't need to! Bot writers don't put that much effort into it until a protection becomes widespread. They go after the easier low hanging fruit. Keep ahead of the curve of what is wide spread and you effectively stop all the automated stuff. I can't remember the last time my forums were hit with automated spam, its been more than a year.
  12. Fergal

    Fergal Regular Member

    Thanks all for your replies and helpful suggestions. Just to clarify, the spam I am referring to is from human spammers, we have managed to block quite a bit of the automated spammers, using a human verification question on registration and StopForumSpam.

    Thanks again.
  13. mysiteguy

    mysiteguy Regular Member

    Turning off links for the first X number of posts deals with human spammers effectively. I have found once they attempt to post and see it gets rejected due to the link they move on.

    About the country issue - I have about a dozen countries blocked off plus several thousand data centers (blocks not only the automated bots but many tor nodes, vpns and anonymous proxies).
    Fergal likes this.
  14. eva2000

    eva2000 Regular Member

  15. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Ummm I am lost to why you do not believe it is that easy to do? I can build advanced bots in like 10 to 15 mins. Bypassing spam protection is not an advanced bot. All one needs to do is log the registration and the posting process. That is it. Then take the logged data and convert it into a program, which is fairly easy and quick to do. You would also add some error checking, but other than that, it is like a 3 to 5 min bot to make.

    The most work would be parsing the forum you wish to spam for the post ids and such. But, again that is simple programming. And because I am a coder who makes bots on like a daily basis, I have tons of templates and functions to make it almost as simple as copy and pasting. If you have a forum you would like me to prove it on, I would be happy to show you LOL Unless there is a captcha, you can take time OCR it, unless its recaptcha. Asking humans a question is also very easy to bypass. Also, using de-captcher I can bypass anything as far as human verification. Just costs .0001 an answer or something like that.

    A spam bot is the simplest program to make. If you do not believe my coding abilities @Brandon can vouch. :D But yeah not development tool needed. You give me anything online and I can automate with a simple log of the data using webrequests.
  16. eva2000

    eva2000 Regular Member

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  17. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

  18. Fergal

    Fergal Regular Member

    I do actually use that and it is not as effective as I'd like. It's currently set to three posts before a member can post a link and human spammers are prepared to make the junk posts before posting the link. It was previously set to ten posts, but that actually made the problem worse - spammers came in and made ten posts and then posted their link. In other words, setting the link restriction to ten posts resulted in more spam on my forum.

    How many posts do you set the limit at?
    Big al likes this.
  19. Fergal

    Fergal Regular Member

    What do those bots actually do, what is their function?
  20. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    A bot, is a program that does a task. I am a member of what is known as the botting scene. Basically it is a hobby where people create programs to make money and or win prizes and such. Mostly, a bot is just a program that automates a process. There are a lot of tasks people do manually that can be automated and that is where a bot comes in. Like for instance spamming. It is very easy to make a bot that registers and then makes a post. Then you take that and code in a loop, and you can have it do it over and over and over to spam. Not something I would be into, but just an example.

    But, they can have any function that you give them, such as getting a bunch of coupons, winning gaming consoles, making you money, etc. This is from a more recent coupon promotion. People got 1000s of free powerade coupons. All of which were manufacturer coupons, so they worked everywhere


    But, back on topic... Spam is a pain in the butt to deal with and you really can not stop it ever. You just do your best to deter it and take the right steps to make it harder, though there really is no way to do so, but long as you keep trying, eventually they give up.
    Fergal likes this.

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