Biggest forum owned

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Loading, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Loading

    Loading Regular Member

    What's the biggest forum (with most posts and users) you have ever owned?

    Since I've just owned two forums and the old one died because it wasn't active I have to say Post Bomb is my biggest forum. What about you?
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    This is 3 years back.. my forum was a gaming forum, it had 3200 members.
  3. kilcher

    kilcher Regular Member

    A forum I started in 2000 - currently has around 45,000 members and 2.75 million posts.

    I currently have one other forum, about a month old and much much smaller (obviously), and plan to launch 2 more in the next month or so.
  4. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Biggest forum I've owned was GamingIsland, and I had all of my school going on it and some abroad, it had over 10k of active members and 500k posts
  5. Sakura

    Sakura Regular Member

    The biggest forum I owned had like 73k posts and 3k members. :P
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    AdminBB will be the biggest forum I have owned, its here to to stay.
    BlazingBlue, Mr Joker and Loading like this.
  7. Loading

    Loading Regular Member

    I hope so Terrorz. AdminBB has potential.
    Mr Joker and Terrorz like this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks :)
  9. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I'd say my biggest forum right now is my current one. Just updated my stats this morning so here you go: Total posts 3,971 • Total topics 532 • Total members 80 Chatting Time
  10. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Well am a noob to the forum business. The biggest I've own is the one I currently own.
    Terrorz likes this.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Well your site will grow, just takes time bro.
  12. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    "All great things are late bloomers" - BlazingBlue

    I totally agree.
    Terrorz likes this.
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

  14. Alex

    Alex Regular Member

    My biggest is one of the ones I currently run.

    Current stats as of just now are:

    Threads: 60,745 Posts: 916,359 Members: 7,615
    Terrorz likes this.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    That is very big, congrats.
  16. Alex

    Alex Regular Member

    I'm hoping we'll get it over the 1 million post mark early next year.

    But it's quite good for what is a very niche forum
  17. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Whoa that is pretty big. You guys are better than I thought.
  18. Grumpy

    Grumpy Regular Member

    Don't own a site, so the biggest one I'm on as a staff is The Hazey, which has over 80 posts in just 8 months.
  19. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Really, only the one that I own now. My forum has over 123k posts and still growing.
  20. SatGuyScott

    SatGuyScott Regular Member

    Mine is my only forum, and that is SatelliteGuys.

    Members: 179,950
    Threads: 266,181
    Posts: 2,913,428

    We serve over a half million unique ip addresses per month.
    Brandon and Dan Hutter like this.

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