Best wordpress SEO plugin?

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by tech, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    What is currently the best Wordpress?

    Im currently using the All in One SEO Pack 1.6.5

    and noticed AA on the [insert secret word here] was using Platinum SEO Pack, if you use wordpress what is the best? and if you change from one to an other would it mess things up?

    Also what are the best settings?

    EDIT: wow, i typed SEO and did vbseo change it to search-engine-optimization-plugin in the url? if so thats cool =)
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Why do you think wordpress needs an seo modification? I think it does pretty good just changing the permalink structure
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Check this: 10 Must Have SEO Plugins for WordPress

    I personally use or have used #1, #5, and #10 on the list. I use #1 on all of my WordPress blogs. If your blog uses images frequently, then I'd also recommend using #9 on that list.

    WordPress is fairly decent out of the box, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved. ;)
  4. cherrymae

    cherrymae Newcomer

    10 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

    1. All in One SEO Pack
    2. Automatic SEO Links
    3. Google XML Sitemaps
    4. HeadSpace2
    5. Meta Robots WordPress plugin
    6. Nofollow Case by Case
    7. Platinum SEO Plugin
    8. Redirection
    8. SEO Blogroll
    9. SEO for Paged Comments
    10.SEO friendly and HTML valid subheadings
  5. irash

    irash Newcomer

    I got few plugins which i use for my blog also and also happy with it's performance .
    Some of the plugins are :

    1. Platinum SEO pack
    2.SEO smart links
    3.SEO Friendly Images
    4.SEO Post Link
    5.SEO Tag Cloud Widget
    6.404 SEO Plugin
  6. Middeljans

    Middeljans Regular Member

    I used to be a fan of Super Cache, but lately I’ve been using W3 Total Cache, which uses memcache and APC. This makes load time a lot faster and much more effective for the user as it’s a better browsing experience.
    SEO Smart Links is definitely a great plugin too, we actively use that as well.
  7. simoncolth

    simoncolth Regular Member

    Well I love to used Word-press plug-ins. I have so many wordpress plugins. WordPress SEO just makes SEO fun again, whereas AIOS has been sitting in the basement without doing much lately.
  8. Marker1z

    Marker1z Regular Member

    Yoast. I tried quite a few others (and used Headspace2 and All In One SEO quite a bit in the past). I started using Yoast last month and no turning back. I found All In One SEO a bit over the top. It adds XML sitemaps functionality, but a bit limited compared to the dedicated plugin. Still, if you need something simple it's good.
  9. MitChal

    MitChal Guest

    I like Platinum SEO pack
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    All in one pack is the only SEO plugin you'll ever need. I'm speaking from experience here!
  11. Ascent

    Ascent Regular Member

    Indeed, All-In-One SEO Pack is the only SEO-plugin I've ever used for WordPress.
  12. RH-Calvin

    RH-Calvin Regular Member

    Yea, all in seo is one the best plugins but setting it up in a proper way is important, following the google SERPS Results.


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