Since I dont run it, I have no clue.. but it all depends on your likings, so you should try them, and if you like it keep it
There are several just depends on your experience level. IM Portal, Simple Portal, Stargate Portal, Integra Mod3. It should be noted here that IntegraMod comes already with Phpbb I do not remember if they have upgraded to 3 or not. Stargate also comes with Phpbb there agian not sure if they have upgraded to 3 or not. I have used IntegraMod and if you can handle the CrackBack mod you will do great with it. Stargate : IntegraMod Simple Portal: I would go to the Phpbb Website to find out more about this I say that because a lot of these come with the forum already in the package. And I personally do not know if an existing forum could be imported into them.
I quite like the board3 portal: It's also previously been validated by the phpBB team:
Are there anymore portal options for phpbb? I've been thinking about helping a client setup a small phpbb forum and they'll want a portal or cms type system that they could show news similar to how we have our home page setup.
I think the Board3 Portal should serve that purpose, then again there are also other choices available out there as well
Is that this site here? That looks pretty nice I couldn't find the portal that I used years ago, I think it had an alien as their mascot or logo. Does anyone still use phpnuke is a portal, I remember it being powerful?
That's the one I wonder if you are thinking of since when phpBB3 first came out it was in active development but these days it's dead