If you are one of the unlucky few who just cannot use Adsense as a method of placing ads for revenue on your websites, surely there must be an alternative. Whether it be Adbrite, Bidvertiser, or even an affiliate program, there must be good Adsense alternatives. What is your favourite adsense alternative? I think InfoLinks is pretty cool. 8)
I always thought that Adbrite was a pretty good alternative to Adsense. Infolinks? It's basically the same as Kontera and Vibrant media.
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but could someone send me their referral link (if they have one) for Adbrite? Tried Adsense many years ago, but just few dollars away from cash-out they banned me So won't touch them again. Thank You!
Anyone here use Adhitz? As I haven't seen it listed here, am curious why you are not using it? Granted they don't have a referral system, but do pay. I have been paid, but lately just use my earnings to purchase advertising for my sites. They did raise the payout minimum to $25 from $10, but for most busy forums, that shouldn't be a problem.
I use chitika as an alternative for adsense. in fact, I use them both. Adsense and chitika on same site.
I've never heard about them. When did they come out? I've never heard about Adbrite being invite only.
Adhitz has been around for a few years; I have them but didn't feel like it was worth mentioning because they are a CPC ad network I've been with Adbrite several years and I never saw any referral links, maybe that is new?
Project Wonderful is pretty awesome. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend them. I switched to them when Google banned me on AdSense for an unknown reason and they've worked great for me
I think Kontera is a great option. AdHitz is pretty good too. But honestly none of them pay as much as adsense in my experience. They're the top for a reason. The other alternative is to join some affiliate networks and find some offers related to your niche. Then create adsense look alike ads with your affiliate links. It works very well since people are accustomed to clicking those ads.
I did experiment with Chitika and it went pretty well, the low payout threshold was quite nice! Have since switched back to Adsense though as they provided more relevant adverts for my niche though. I find direct advertising (e.g: selling text links) quite profitable as well, especially as people will pay for high PR links.
Is there a Glossary for some of the terms being used? I'm still learning and I'm not familiar with CPM and CTC or PTC (I assume that is pay to click?)
I've been a huge fan of theirs from the very beginning and it works well for my websites but for my webmaster forum it didn't work so well and I ended up removing the ads
Actually Adbrite is the best alternative I know of. And if you know how to tweak the prices just right, you can actually make more with it than you would adsense.
So my question is, if you are using a site that is runned by Google and you use Adsense, if you take Adsense out, and replace it with Adbrite, 1) can you do that? and 2) how do you go about it?
Do you mean like you as in using Google as a webhost? You might have to read their TOS (they just changed it). But on a guess, I say it should be ok to use alternate services outside of Google's Adsense. And you'd go about it as you would if you were placing any other form of code. Just place the Adbrite code any place you'd have normally put the Adsense code.
As far as I know; using another ad network with something like blogger is perfectly fine. Just add a code block and place the code you were given