Belated self-intro

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RedWolfe, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. RedWolfe

    RedWolfe Regular Member

    I originally joined OurDJTalk several months ago, but never posted a self-intro.

    RedWolfe is my online handle in many different forums, from here to Linux testing. I adopted Wolfe as a nickname in the late 60's as an obscure reference to an obscure Gertrude Stein quote.

    I've been a computer user/programmer/administrator since I was 4 (circa 1957) and was one of the first users of Usenet.

    I've been singing as long as I can remember, and had some formal vocal training in high scool and college.

    I discovered karaoke in 1978, and fell madly in love with the artform. I've worked with various DJs and KJs ever since; first as an assistant, then as a fill-in host. I honestly don't have the personality to be a full-time KJ (not enough patience.) I first saw computer-based karaoke in Raleigh in the mid 1980's and decided that the combination of compters and singing was a perfect match for my interests.

    Circa 2000, I became disabled and am unable to work on a regular basis. I do, however, act as an occasional consultant to friends for their computer and karaoke questions.

    I'm married, no kids, and one dog.
  2. DannyGKaraoke

    DannyGKaraoke Regular Member

    Welcome Redwolfe.
  3. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    Welcome to the site Redwolfe, I hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Welcome from me as well, RW!
  5. KjAthena

    KjAthena Regular Member

    glad to meet you Redwolfe:biggrinpill:hope to get to know you better:biggrinpill:
  6. DJCC

    DJCC Regular Member

    Welcome aboard!!
  7. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Welcome RedWolfe!
  8. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    I knew your name looked familiar. Welcome aboard RedWolf! :)
  9. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    Does this make LoneWolf less lonely? Happy to see you.
  10. Lone Wolf

    Lone Wolf Regular Member

    Nope I have always been Lone Wolf since my early days (1970) on the CB and will always be A Lone Wolf (even my wife of 23 years says so)...:smilepill: Still use that handle everywhere.
  11. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Do you care to enlighten us to which side of the debates you fall on? I look forward to your posts.
  12. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Welcome to you Lone Wolf! Wow, we were on Apple 2 & 3's way back then.
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