After reading a particular post (it was rather disgusting) this morning on a discussion community that I frequently visit, the idea for this topic came racing into my mind. Do you find yourself reacting to specific posts and/or topics after reading them? By "reacting", I am of course referring to either snickering, rolling your eyes, grunting, or something similar (I'm sure that you get my gist). Personally, I find myself doing this quite often - particularly the rolling of the eyes. I've ran into some pretty ridiculous content over the years, and it's a natural reaction for me to react upon seeing it.
I always react to posts. Whether they're of good quality or of bad quality; I always find myself reacting. Most of the time, if it's something I don't agree on, it's a bad, wanting to argue type of reaction but if it's a good post, I just reply to the post with a nice reaction and perhaps adding on to what the OP said.
I tend to grunt loudly when I read something that sounds a bit strange, or "out of whack". It's a natural reaction - I've always found myself doing it.
Sometimes I do get flustered over some really ignorant or provocative posts. I get so anxious to blast out my response but I have to take a deep breath first. Some people really know how to get a reaction out of people.
yeah, when somethings funny i laugh, and my family give me strange looks.....and put middle finger up (through the screen) at a troll or spammer, or member who is being annoying. and also *bang head on desk* when ive done something stupid like banned myself or deleting the wrong post...
Sure, it's only natural I suppose with everyone to get some sort of emotional response out of posts. I've read some posts that made me laugh till I cried. Like many though, I see posts across teh interwebs that just make you roll your eyes.
Very, very rarely do I ever react physically to a post. Generally, I like to think of myself as a rather calm and levelheaded person. A lot goes through my head, but I hardly ever let it show.