Here are some of my recent ones. Liz This one almost made me nuts...was a total of 57 frames! So I went to something really easy next. . Liz
Did another one tonight...I get a challenge on a weekly basis. This was this weeks. It wasn't an animated one but it should have been. Liz
Yeah, FIFTY-SEVEN frames... There is a flicker in it that should not be there plus I want to take the name out and make it a separate layer so I can make it an adoptable tag. Liz
pinnickety but.... I found the fonts used hard to read on a couple of them, especially the poem one. Graphics were superb though
The design came that way...If I had wanted to retype the entire poem I might have but I didn't. Not sure what font she used. Thanks. Liz
Oh, I know and had *I* been designing it, I would have used a much more legible font or a shorter song. But after the previous one (I DID find the mistake I made btw on that one) I was ready for an easy one where I didn't have to think too hard. Just plug it together. Liz
I fixed the Dancing In the Moon tag. I found the glitch (Had left out the background on ONE frame) I changed moons, like this one better. And I changed the text. Liz .
Nice Liz...just one little itsy bitsy correction needed that I noticed...the let's should be lets (no apostrophe)
At least THAT mistake is easy enough to correct. It's on a separate layer of the animation. All I have to do is remake that one file and then rerun the animation. Liz
Errr, maybe the "I" in in should be lower case? Shucks, I dunno, I failed HS english twice. Heh heh...
BD, normally you would be correct but in poetry, sometimes you break those rules. Btw, Carol, I fixed the other one. I haven't re-run it yet. I will soon. Liz