"Beef" section

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by alter, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. alter

    alter Newcomer

    So I've another question.

    My board (As some of you may know by now), is a hip-hop board, so to let the egos settle their differences, we have a section where they can air out their problems, vent frustration at each other, and keep each other in check.

    The idea is to keep "beefing" and fighting out of the other threads, and as i said above, allow to them to vent etc. However the problem is that some threads turn into flame wars, and though it does solve some problems, some feuds go nowhere after a long time.

    Anyways... I'm wondering if i can get some suggestions as to how to stop feuds getting too serious, and settling them when they do.
    On one hand I don't want to be restrictive, and want to give members the liberty to settle their problems, or to impinge on their freedom, as they enjoy the freedom, but things can get too stupid. So I've considered a suggestion i was given to close threads after a set number of days (20) if nothing's sorted.

    Just wondering if AA has any good suggestions or thoughts for me before i implement.
  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    When do you consider things to be officially sorted?
  3. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    1) Have guidelines, define "pointless"

    2) Let them do whatever, but x-pages of pointless fighting will result in a lock

    3) ???

    4) Profit!
  4. alter

    alter Newcomer


    Sorted is when the members cease flaming or spamming each other in outside threads, and digging up new dirt, of finding new ways to argue etc.

    Erm... when they tolerate each other at least. You know when you have two strong willed people who dislike each other and refuse to get on? But they have to share an environment where they aren't under obligation to not fight (eg. not school, not work - they can be banned, but in the end they "volunteer" if you will to frequent the board so it doesn't hurt them). It's trying to remove the hostility to a point that it doesn't impede forum functionality.
  5. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Only if there is a pork and chicken section.
    2 people like this.
  6. alter

    alter Newcomer

    ^No, but there is room for broccoli in the same section.
    A cookie for whoever gets the reference.

    Anyways, any other tips to support your insightful and helpful comment kevin?
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  7. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Vegetables, Fruits?
  8. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    You are a very very brave soul, alter. I've no advice. We aren't a hip-hop board, we are a band board though and let me tell you, those Jonas Brother fans that want to cause trouble can be a real nuisance.

    But you probably do not see many of those. ;)

    It seems like after a while it would just get to be the same two people clearly having a beef with each other and it would become boring for those outside the thread to even care any longer?

    How we handle the ones who need to argue like two Betta stuck in a vase is we make a social group for that topic and any one who wants to go argue about that topic is welcome to take the time to go over the groups area and join the group and argue till they drop.
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  9. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Fruit section - for crazy talk and conspiracy theories
    Beef section - for real men to talk about real men stuff
    Pork section - for fat people that want to lose weight
    Chicken section - for skinny people who want to gain weight
    Lamb section - for people who vote democrat and republicans, because they are sheeple
    Fish section - for people who go with the flow <---- I thought that one was cute
  10. alter

    alter Newcomer

    ^Kev, much as your posts make me laugh, I would appreciate some advice.

    Peacelily i think you're onto something there. that's a dope idea actually. I like it.

    ONE minor problem i see though, is having social groups kinda privatises it, and though I'm trying to let people be adult, it effectively opens up private bullying channels which I won't have time to check all the time. It also means people can be sharing others private info etc "under the radar" so to speak, as lets face it, I try to check EVERY thread daily, but having to check for new spam sections on the regular is going to be a lot more hassle and a lot harder to manage. Especially since we're talking "fighting" not just arguing.

    Appreciate the help though and am considering it seriously, but is there any more adcive AA?
  11. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    If you want the beef, you've also got to deal with the gristle.

    Without full-time staff and granular rules, it'll be hard to manage such a section in a way that you're looking for, although that's not to say that it's impossible.
  12. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    We're starting to grow a garden of fruits & veggies :)
  13. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept


    True. Our social groups are still moderated, albeit less, and people are allowed to be a little ruder and pervier in there that we allow on the main part of the forum.

    But out and out fighting? Like "You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny!" and "No you are, you big poopie head!" stuff? That I would not even want to deal with.
  14. alter

    alter Newcomer


    There's always a huge problem because members WANT to be able to, and a LOT of it is just stupid "clowning" each other, just them having harmless jabs at each other.
    Sure they don't like each other, but it's harmless.
    Then there's also the actual serious where they're just being idiots and beefing.
    And then there's the harmless jabs that are just derailing topics.

    Thoughts on this for a sticky in that section:
  15. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Bands and fans of bands have been arguing since the beginning of time, but what is it about hip-hop that there is SO much in-fighting to the point that it gets so violent and even deadly?

    Maybe its part of the hip-hop culture, and therefore a necessary part of having a hip-hop forum that you would need such a section, but because of the potential for serious physical violence, that would be the LAST "feature" that I'd want to give my members. Not to mention the liability involved.

    That's just me, tho. :shrug:
  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Just as fans of bans could get hasty because of preference, it's the same with hip-hop, after all, they undergo in the same category, Music.
  17. alter

    alter Newcomer

  18. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    Jonas Brothers fans are vicious. Just sayin'.

  19. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Jonas Brother Ruined the "Hello, Goodbye" Beatles song ;~;
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I would never have such a "beef" section on my board. I'm a vegetarian.

    :giggle: Just kidding. I'm not even a vegetarian. But I'm serious about not ever having such a section.

    It only causes more problems, like you're experiencing. You will end up spending too much time enforcing granular rules for this section and dealing with members' issues. You need to spend your time working on productive management, not refereeing the toddlers' arguments.

    Here's my suggestion: Ridden of the beef section. Encourage members to work out their disputes privately and via PM. A dispute is usually between two people, so PM works out nicely. By using public threads for the arguing, there are two issues: 1) it gives a bad image of your site (if visitors see these arguments, why would they want to join a community that seems to consist only of bickering and fighting); 2) it encourages other members to get involved (the last thing you want is a ten on ten argument in a single thread; this makes issue #1 even worse). Settling via PM is private and easy.

    If they have issues with each other, they can simply add each other to their ignore lists, and not have to deal with the other.

    This makes it much easier for you. All you need to do is follow these simple guidelines:

    • Remove all public arguments and "beef"
      • Warn/infract/ban repeat offenders appropriately
    • Encourage use of the PM system for argument resolution
    • Encourage members to use their "ignore lists" when they don't want to deal with a particular member.
    This is much easier than closing the threads after x days and x pages of pointless bickering. Make your life easier! :)

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