I know I do, reason why I am in both Medical and Financial field at my college, ultimately I want to own a hospital and such. Same with graphic designing. I am not much of a boss person, but I know I need to go through a boss before I am a boss, if I don't start out my business straight out.
I Want To Create Something Like vBulletin..... Maybe cFoards........... c Just For C & F For Forums Foard For Board.............. Put Them Together..... cFoards........... Sounds Dumb Doesnt It?
I would love to make something and then for it to be big like IPB or vB. Just getting to start... that's the problem.
I want to start my own medical office. I'm going to school for orthopedic surgery so one day I hope to own my own office.
I plan to start my own design firm someday but at the moment im sticking to my hosting company. @FMB if you start a financial company hit me up i might need somebody to help manage finances for my hosting business were doing quite well at the moment so and I never have been great with finance.