EverCube is now allowing people to Sponsor their websites. Only $10/month. More info can be found here: EverCube Sponsors *Open* - EverCube.Net If you wish to get in on this, please use the contact form on EverCube as Pming me here may take some time before I reply (still welcome to do it if you must). Payment is only being taken through paypal at this time. EverCube Stats: .
Firstly, it would be appreciated if you could put some of the details inside of your post here rather than directing everybody to the thread on your forum. I should be able to get the gist of the offer by merely reading the thread here. Second, this belongs in the Marketplace as it is a paid offer. I've moved it there for you. Thanks!
Thanks, and I updated the thread to include a little more info. Just a little note, we are pulling in 4-9K+ visitors a day. This is guaranteed to increase anyones site traffic. Your links are displayed at the top of the site with no more than 4 other sponsors. This ensures you get the max traffic for you buck.
A special offer for this week and adminaddict members only: 10$/month for a bold link. That is 5$ off the regular price and twice the attractiveness. Today we reached almost 9000 visitors. There is no doubt your link won't be seen by others. To get this offer for yourself, contact us using the regular method but mention you are from adminaddict. Be sure to also include your username as proof. Thanks for having such a great forum guys.
Sure . Also in use is the vbulletin visitors in the last 24 hour mod. The stats are recorded on the forums main page. Info on the mod can be found here: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=177965 Attached is a fullscreen view of analytics:
Thanks, I appreciate it. What caused the sudden huge spike in activity? It's fairly flat for a while and then boosts up rather quickly.
We had 3 forums originally. Our gaming forums, graphic forums and warez forums. GamingCube, GFxCube, ISO-Cube. Put those together and you get EverCube
As long as it isn't being promoted or encouraged, it's not a big deal. Saying, "I used to run a warez forum," for example, isn't against our guidelines.