This man speaks the truth! Personally, I believe that the following chart explains it well: God tier---Firefox High tier--Opera Mid tier---Chrome Low tier---Safari Crap tier---IE anything What browsers do you use? And why the hell do we still have to program for I.E 6. Or for that matter 7. >.< Randomly:
I used to be an IE user because I didn't know any better. Since switching to FireFox, I have not looked back. The only reason I even click on IE or other browers is to make sure that my sites display properly on there. Other than that, it's FireFox only for me.
Internet Explorer 8 is one of the most standards compliant browsers on the market today. Probably one of the most secure when integrated with UAC as well. Of course if you are still using Windows XP and an older version of Internet Explorer than you have quite a few other problems in my opinion. So many things wrong with that combination in this day and age. Not sure why anyone would want to continue using software that is a decade old. I'd also use Safari before Chrome. Any application that installs itself in the user's personal space without being told to is a bad application. It does this so it can run a background service 24/7 and bypass UAC. That background service allows Google to install whatever they want on your computer whenever they want to. No company should earn that much trust. Chrome is also one of the most bug ridden and featureless browsers that I have seen since Mosaic was released in 1993. I won't install Chrome on my computer ever again due to its installation practice and cognizant efforts to bypass the security protocols that I have in place for a company that has said in the past that there is no such thing as personal privacy anymore. If my sites don't work or look like crap in Chrome, that is what the user deserves. I don't care if they have 0.8% or 80% of the market. Primarily I use Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.0. I have Firefox 3 set up to behave like IE 8 as far as opening tabs and interface goes. In my opinion, Internet Explorer has one of the best default interfaces in a web browser hands down. When the entire set of controls including tabs fits into less than an inch of screen height, I am happy. Safari has the worst interface in a browser and Chrome's is so boring that it puts me to sleep.
I like Chrome for casual browsing, but it has some quirks and flaws that turn me away. I only use it every once in a while.
I use FireFox and Internet Explorer 8 (or is it 7 that comes with Vista Home Premium?).... FireFox is by far a great browser as is the Internet Explorer. Actually, they sort of act the same, in my opinion. Google Chrome isn't compatible with the support site I visit often so I don't use it, Safari is like "meh" to me and Opera is also like "meh."
Microsoft lost the browser wars years ago, we just did not have anything to replace it, besides netscape, msn browser, aol browser. But now we have options. The ONLY reason why intrenet explorer is so popular is because it comes with windows.
IE was once my surfing tool, but I never ran into that problem. So, I have two others. but Google Chrome is the one I use the most for when I wanna get around to someplace quickly. The only time I use Firefox, however, is when I wanna play an ijji-related MMO. I know I might get lambasted because I haven't used the full potential of Firefox, but that's how I roll around on the 'Net.
Fun fact: it doesn't just come with windows, it's built into the OS to the point that uninstalling it is nigh-impossible. Opera sued microsoft because of this, claiming it was monopolizing the market unfairly. :lol:
I'm on a Mac, so I haven't touched IE in years. I use firefox most of the time. I open Safari when doing testing on my site (I have my test user logged in there.)
IE is the base for doing Windows updates. It's the medium used to transfer your OS information to the MS servers so they can verify your license and all that good stuff. I can't even use IE anymore, I'm serious. IE 7 is really confusing for me.
Not true any longer. You do not have to install Internet Explorer with Windows 7. Plus Opera didn't sue because of this. They sued because Microsoft wouldn't acknowledge them as an Internet Service provider and included them like they included AOL/Prodigy/Compuserve in previous versions. Internet Explorer was just their way in, their motive was free distribution of their software to inflate their numbers.
No worries. Every Operating System includes a Browser (or 6 in the case of some Linux Distributions). Apple has Safari. Linux includes Konquerer, Firefox, Firefox Derivatives, Epiphany, etc... Solaris includes Mozilla . I think now you can choose Opera as the default browser in Solaris while installing not really sure though. Only makes sense for Microsoft to include their own browser to compete with these other offerings. This means that Opera will always be an underdog on the desktop. Why would most people install it if they already have something. The average person wants to plug in a computer, sit down and have it work. They don't want to spend hours looking for and installing software. Of course Opera kind of sucks on the desktop. They can't really compete and though they have more built-in features they are often seen as behind the leading pack. Of course in the mobile market, they are the world leader at this time. Opera powers the web browser installed on every Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS or Nintendo DSi. I had to pay $5.00 to get a browser on the Wii and $20.00 for my son to have a browser on their DS so they make a pretty penny there. They are the browser on millions of phones and handheld devices as well. So while they are hurting on the desktop at 1.5% of the market or something like that, they are doing quite well in markets that Microsoft is struggling in. It all balances out. For those people against IE, you should download IE 8 and try it out. Hit it with some standards compliant websites and the Acid 2 test. You'll probably be surprised.
I use IE from the very beginning, then installed Firefox when I began serious vB designing a few years ago. I always use both for cross browser compatibility on my designs. I don't much care about the other browsers. My one complaint about Firefox is that the tabs don't work like IE. My one complaint about IE (7 and now 8) is that it won't let me stay logged in on some forums. Just going from forumhome to another area of the forum knocks me off and I have to log back in again. Funny thing is, it doesn't happen on every site, only a few.
I'm digging IE 8, it seems less integrated with Windows itself which I think is a good thing security wise. My biggest beef with IE, is the refresh page to download a file deal. It's annoying as hell and a waste of time. If I clicked download I obviously want that file, don't give me your stupid little information bar telling me you blocked a download for my protection. I guess with most users it is for their protection though but still. I really like Firefox though, Firefox + Foxmarks (now Xmarks) is great for someone who formats and reinstalls as often as me. IE 8 has knocked out Opera as my secondary browser, it's just that good.
You know you can turn off the information bar in your security preferences. Unlike Firefox, most of IE's preferences and options are in the Internet Options control panel. You don't have to dig through an about:config page. When in IE press ALT-T then O on your keyboard. Click on the Security Tab. Click the "Custom" level" button. Scroll down to downloads and where it says "Automatic Prompting for File Downloads" set it to Disable. Of course you can load Internet Options from the Control Panel as well.
Thanks Wayne. I figured there was a way to disable it, I was just to lazy to go looking. IE 8 on Win 7 64-bit flies.