Is anyone here using a banner rotation modification on their vbulletin forum? If so, which one are you using and how well is it working out?
Yeah. It's pretty easy. You sign up then they will send you an email within 24-48 with your login. It is a nice easy setup
What about the server option, where you host your own openx server. That is the one I am interested in.
works the same as their hosted version and its a good product for free! vBAdvertise is what I use on my small network of sites and it works great so far.
Yeah, I have not tried their self hosted one. Don't know why to be honest. It is something I am going to have to look into now also haha Vbadvertise is actually really similar...but is a paid for product.
"brotator" from the org is being used on if you want to take a look. That has a few options. Not used vbadvertise though but might check that out.
I looked at vBAdvertise, and it has too many steps. Its based off of credits, which is not something I want to use on my site. Advertisers should be able to go to the forum, pick how many clicks or banner displays they want, pay with paypal, enter their information and be done with it. When the vBAdvertise developers stream line the operation, then I will give it more consideration. Dan, thanks for the information on brotator, I'll take a look at it. It simply amazes me that I can not find a simple, easy to use advertising program for vbulletin. I found a big site that uses a custom built advertising script. But the developer has not returned my email, which was sent 2+ weeks ago. Its like everything is so focused on adsense. And if you can not use adsense, well, I guess your just out of luck. The site is built, the traffic is there, and I can not find a piece of software to hand out ads. I feel like I'am living in the 20th century again.
I agree kevin, I've been running AdSense but in some cases I feel I could do better selling adspace privately (both financially and in terms of relevant advertising). I've tried OpenX but it just confused people.
I have seen at least 2 top notch VB advertising scripts running on some big forums. But when I checked into them, neither one was supported anymore. One forum, it was still running VB 3.6 and the advertising modification it was using had not been updated in 2+ years. Another modification, the developer has no answered my email. Here is one of the ad scripts I was looking at - I have thought about buying one of those "run your own ad serving business" scripts. There was one I found that cost about $300 - $400 US dollars. You installed it on your dedicated server, then put the script code on your sites. People could then go to your ad site, pick which one of your websites they wanted to run ads on and buy it. They created an account, uploaded their banners, managed how many displays or how many clicks they wanted to buy and on which site. I might have to wind up going that route. If the product does the job, I do not mind spending the money. Right now I have 3 vbulletin forums in my "network" that I'am working on. Each with its own topic that is separate from the other ones. At least that way I can span the advertising options across 3 forums, and keep the advertisers in one central location.
I just installed the modification by redtyger, I'll post back later on it. For those of you that might be interested, here is a link vB Ad Management - Forum
Good selection I use to use that one until i went to vbAdvertiser - i use vBadvertiser as users don't earn heaps of credits but i have another of their paid addons where people can buy credits so i charge like 1000 credits for advertising for x amount of days or x amount of clicks if they don't have 1000 credits they can buy them for $50 through paypal. Working good so far and i like it as i actually have a website to my forums as well and vbadvertiser is just a couple lines of code placed in any html/php site and the adverts are on there as well.
OpenX is the only banner rotation software I've ever used (well, aside from it's other names), and will ever use. It's decent, it has no major quirks, and it runs just fine.