Banned Users

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Guest, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow - Just read all of bunnywhatver14's posts - whatever bunny is never read the FAQ's - then again I was wondering if this is a peson who stumbled upon us thought we were a chat room? Should this person have been banned or informed? Sorry to step on any toes - just wondering... thanks!!
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    bunnywhatever was posting nonsense in the wrong forums, the same things in multiple threads, multiple posts in one thread, and was generally not playing by the rules - in short, trolling.

    he/she was obviously trying to get to the 50 posts required for the arcade as fast as possible, which we frown on severely.

    i doubt he/she/it thought this was a chat room, since he/she/it seemed to be able to navigate the boards pretty efficiently. he/she/it was informed before he/she/it was banned, i believe, to stop posting nonsense in the news forum

    for someone as aggresively in violation of the FAQ as that one, informing them doesn't work - the staff just has to go by our gut in deciding what to do with problem users like this one

    moving this to soup station...
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks, MJ - I forgot all about the prerequisite for Arcades - I'm not one to break rules purposely, and I couldn't understand what was going on.
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    There were actually a few reasons bunnyclown was banned.

    1) Damage control - bunnyclown, for whatever reason, kept posting in News Nebula. Because News Nebula threads are mirrored on the Portal page, this was screwing up the layout and format of the main portal, with junk posts instead of news items. He/she was warned about posting non-news items in News Nebula, yet still repeated the infraction several days following the warning.

    2) Violation of forum policy - bunnyclown was clearly posting junk posts in an effort to circumvent the 50-post rule we maintain for arcade access. bunnyclown even stated that this was his/her intention in one of the posts. It happens all the time, and we have banned many users for doing so. That most users don't notice is, I think, a testament to the ability and careful attention of our staff.

    3) Prior history - bunnyclown14 was previously on the forums as bunnyclown12345, and was previoulsy banned for arcade spamming violations. When we ban a user, the idea is not that they create a new account and do the same wrong things over again. If you're banned, chances are that you're going to stay banned, no matter how many user accounts you create. Should the person decide to keep up with this behavior, we always have the option to ban their IP address, which will prevent them from connecting to the site.

    Whenever possible, we try to inform a user, and get them to modify their behavior to conform to forum rules and guidelines. However, sometimes it's best to cut our losses, as some users just refuse to play by the rules.
  5. red barron

    red barron Regular Member

    hmmm reminds me of super tongue! lol

    yes im back
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks again, Diesel for the explanation. I guess my mind isn't devious (DAMN - and I thought it WAS!!!) I for that kind of thought. I'm in this forum because it's FUN and I enjoy "talking" to everyone. I guess that isn't enough for some people.
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Sadly, that's not always the case. We need more users like you. ;)
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm here to stay, Diesel - I LOVE the Soup!! I have a very good friend who advised me to come here, and I'm glad he did. Thanks for what you said...
  9. psi

    psi Regular Member

    Just wondering of course you give notice to those who held a tenure for awhile (a stint) that they need to shapen up. And those that just join, then spam get the boot. In all of those instances do you give them a pink slip message (email) that says something "you've just been booted, banned, and blocked" Or do these bannies figure it out that they can't log back in that their days at the soup been severed? You know they're not allowed in the kitchen to help us make the soup... Lol....

    I miss your banned user list Alien. It's fun to see people's name that actually said some unique stuff listed in a hall of shame...
  10. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Typically, with those who have been here a while, we give them the courtesy of a couple of PMs explaining the specific problems, and what can be done to rectify the issue. If that doesn't help, they get the boot.
    With new users who's first few posts are not adhering to forum rules, it's usually the boot right away. In our experience, and we've been dealing with this for several years now, 99.9% of those users are simply here to abuse the system, and will never contribute anything of value to the forums. For the other 0.1%, they're unfortunate casualties, but should we find that we've banned someone who communicates to us that they intend on being valuable contributors, we're happy to give them a 2nd chance.

    As far as warnings, we usually don't give them. The ban takes place immedately, and they're notified that their account has been banned when they try to use it. In extreme cases, where we're forced to issue a ban of an IP address, they simply are unable to even connect to the web site.

    psi> If you really want to see what happens, let me know and we'll ban you. :lol:
  11. psi

    psi Regular Member

    I love you guys and gals!


    You guys and gals are stuck with me for the time being!!!! It'll be a long time before I'm ready for the boot.

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