Banned from vBulletin!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Mark.B, May 30, 2009.

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  1. kev

    kev Regular Member

    What some advice?

    The first piece of advice - Do not get personal with people on the internet. I have a couple of buddies that I know in real life, and I might post something "personal" to them in my forums - but in a joking kinda way. But, if they get offended by what I posted, I'll just call them on the phone or go to their house to talk about things. Or, I'll just throw a big bar-b-q and invite them over.

    When you get personal with someone, especially when they are a moderator, its a lose - lose situation.

    I have been personally banned from 1 forum ever since I got on the internet - which was around 1996. To me, getting banned from 1 forum in 13 years is pretty good. But hey, that moderator was stalking and flaming me. What I posted, they had to coming.

    The second piece of advice, do NOT go around to other forums and badmouth people. Especially moderators from other forums. If you posted this kind of crap on my forum, and I respected that other community, I would probably give you an infraction or maybe a 1 week ban from my community.

    There is a certain level of respect that is "supposed" to be shared between communities. And right now, you aint showing no respect.
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    She is just a Super Moderator now. I wonder if she is no longer a Jelsoft employee and no longer can manage tickets. Perhaps they consider her a volunteer moderator of the community, and not a sales representative/employee.

    And don't even get me started on hawksgirl/schwab2clarkson. Really. :p
  3. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Kerry Anne has gone...she is no longer listed as a supermod.
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Interesting, Mark. Thanks for letting us know.
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yes, interesting indeed. I find it especially intriguing that it happened right after your whole incident.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't think she was ever a Jelsoft "employee" as such, i think she was just on "the team"...I guess as a moderator to help in the forums. I'd be surprised if she got paid, perhaps they give you a free licence or something as she did seem to run several sites despite her mentioning that she is unable to work through ill health.

    It does seem a bit of a coincidence that she's suddenly gone.

    She still has her team avatar on but she hasn't been seen on there since November 2008.

    If she has been "got rid of" then I cannot imagine for a moment that it was solely because of what happened with me on Saturday night. At the very worst it might be the latest in a long line of incidents that left them no choice. Frankly, given the speed it happened, and having had personal experience of Kerry-Anne's antics in the past, I *strongly* suspect she has quit in a huff after her decision to ban me was reversed.

    I am only surprised that she hadn't targeted me previously. But to be honest I have never given her any ammunition until the other day.
  7. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    By the time Kerry-Anne started infracting me I couldn't care less what she did. I wasn't bothered about "winning". I simply don't need that kind of thing going on in my personal hobby.

    And I'm not getting personal over it - I'm giving my opinion. I can't say she's wonderful if that's not my opinion. I think she was rubbish at representing Jelsoft, but she seemed to be a pretty good coder of modifications. She'd probably be more suited to a behind the scenes role.

    I feel I have no great cause to show respect to the individual concerned and she represents/represented the community in question.

    Whilst I agree with you though in terms of general forums, this site is for fellow admins and I think there is always likely to be an element of discussion here that might not be appropriate in an "ordinary" forum.

    For that reason I would be most unlikely to pst anything like this on your forum since it's presumably not intended for this type of discussion. But I think it's very on-topic for here. But if it was deemed not so, I'd just stop mentioning it.

    You see, all this "respect" and "infractions" and "bans" etc overlooks one's assumed that the person concerned cares whether they can post on a site or not. In most cases they are happy to post there but if the admin starts getting stroppy and issuing those childish infractions, the common likelihood is that the member will just clear off for good.

    I used to post quite a bit of advice and assistance on I won't ever do that again. It's their loss. One member won't make much difference but if it kept happening it would.
  8. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Every living, breathing person on this earth deserves a certain level of respect.

    Even if its a homeless person asking for spare change, - they are people, they have feelings, they deserve respect.
  9. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I agree, but it's a two way thing. I had little respect out of Kerry-Anne around the time of her awful behaviour several years ago, and with no communication since, she suddenly wades in and bans me.

    How am I supposed to respect that? It's tit for tat grudge bearing. From her, not me.
  10. kev

    kev Regular Member

    When you allow someone to make you mad, you have granted them control over your feelings.
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I agree, but she hasn't made me mad. I'm just not prepared to be pleasant to someone like her who cannot extend the same courtesy.
  12. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Great - just great!

    I wonder who'll replace her... If she is replaced, please do post here, vB users.
  13. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    First, welcome to the forum, Mark (I know I'm a little late in here).

    Secondly, I read the whole thread and I am sorry about your bizarre situation. What she did is very unprofessional and I'm sure that's the last thing the vB team wants to get out after what they're already dealing with from the leaked screenshots and whatnot. I find it interesting how you were unbanned and she was since removed from the team completely, though.

    I'm not so sure about that.
  14. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

  15. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man


    I'm sorry, but I remember you slandering another board and its owner on Sheley's website. Unless your demeanor changed, I don't see how you could say this and then go back on your own word?
  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I personally doubt it. Even if a person raped, killed, then ate a baby, they should get respect?

    I respect homeless people, heck I buy food for them when ever I can. But not everyone should be respected if they have treated you with disrespect.
  17. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

  18. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Ha. It looks like she is converting one of her sites down to MyBB, too. Hmm..
  19. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    OH NO!!! ;~; =\ From what I read about her, she is a nightmare.
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

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