Hello ladies and Gents!, Im Crosman, a 17 year old future Game Creator,Zoo Owner, Photographer. yes all three are me , I found these forums looking through things on yahoo, and they seem pretty well balanced and friendly. A few things about me, well..... I am looking into creating my own Fighting game in the near future, i am a very creative person, and I love having help from others, i think opinions mean alot and peoples thoughts should always count. ( If you want details on the game, PM me, or add me to your hotmail list at [email protected]). I also am a future Photographer, I plan on traveling the world taking exotic animal pictures and structures of the world, If you havent noticed i am a very big animal person, I wannted to be a Zoologist for so long, but after i seen the requirements, I said........7 years of college at Michigan State? Not me. Instead after my career in photography kicks off and (IF) my game ever works out, I will start my own Zoo By the age of 35. (any animal questions? just ask me) I will be graduating High school sometime soon, Im taking a homeschooling program, for both High School and College. I have had a pretty hard life, physical wise. When I was 7 years old I broke my femur bone (the biggest bone in the body, located in the leg), that was a tragic event for me, because my mom was already in the hospital having bowel surgerey. I was taken to Mercey Hospital here in Monroe, Michigan, my mom was located in Ann Arbor. A few years later my middle school doctors told me the broken leg took one inch off my right leg, and then they told me i had Scoliosis, the curve in the spine. WELL just when you think everything was over, 3 years ago i was issued with chrones disease. I messed up in school and had some very bad times, And now im stuck in a half ass situation with my schooling. I recently sat down and thought to myself, hey Joe, should you let this stop you from doing what you want? I didnt take long to answer myself. So now im shooting higher then ever, and i will do all the things above. A little more about me, I love sports, hunting, fishing, and Martial arts. Im a big fan of the mixed martial arts, pride fighting championships and Ultimate fighting. I love Boxing, here in Monroe boxing is a big deal, if you know who bronko Mckart is, then you would know why, he lives a block away and im prettyn good friends with him. he is a pro boxer, he was on Knockout kings 2001 . I have boxed in my backyard for years and never losed a sing time, never been knocked down, never quit, and yes everyone I have versed has been bigger then me. I am 5'9 150ibs. On to my gaming prefrence. I have every system, and i love gaming. I have X-box live as well. I love Mortal Kombat, Everythng about it. I am also a geek when it comes to Ninja Turtles, Biggest Mk and TMNT fan here, I have a collection of all things. My bedroom is done in TMNT. lol. YES I DO HAVE GIRLFRIEND. a good one to, shes going to college to be a veternarian technician :nod: . Last but not least, I plan on writing 2 books, one about my life, and another about a character named Chainmale. well enough said. If you want to chat with me, or be a friend, just add me to your msn, [email protected]. you can email me anytime for and questions, or thoughts. (I am looking for a good friend and Artist, that may be able to draw some characters for me) Thanks you. Joseph ''Crosman'' Ball **Live by the Cross**
Welcome to the soup, Crosman! :shake: Hope you enjoy it here. Wow.... that was quite the introduction.
welcome to the soup!!! that intro blew mine out of the water... wait i didn't give one so bad comparison
Welcome to the Soup! I don't post here often, but I just wanted to chime in and let you know that you're not the only MK and TMNT fan here. :tongue: I used to absolutely love TMNT, and I still have an almost complete set of the original trading cards (I'm missing ONE CARD)! I even still have a TMNT poster up in my old bedroom at my parents' place. As for MK, just read what I had to say about it in this thread.
Sounds like Jason's got good taste! We can talk about how Donatello, with his mad Bo staff skills, is the man. High fives all around, and no gurlz allowed!
:: snort :: Of course, he chews on his Leonardo mask instead of wearing it. My darling brother-in-law bought Jason a Leonardo sword that makes NOISE when you bash it against things. Great move for a toddler, really. And watching the old TMNT makes me cringe now that I've seen the new ones. But the kiddle loves them