Bad Admin

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Demon_skeith, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    have you ever hire someone to be a co-admin and he/she ended up being bad?
  2. cohen

    cohen Regular Member

    Nope. All of mine, although i have only had two admins, have been fine. Leyton has been great and Firestar (on Host 4 Post) has been a great help to the site. I wouldn't do it, if they weren't a good mod or super mod.
  3. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    I have never had a bad co admin. I have had bad moderators though.
  4. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member


    I pick those whom I have known for a ling time, and can trust.
  5. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    bad mods are easy to come by.
  6. cooltwig

    cooltwig Regular Member

    Yes have always hireed good admins :)

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