Backup database???

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Sylvain, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    What addon or software do you use to automatically backup your database?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    If on a cPanel server, you can use cPanel's backup area to download a gzipped backup of your database. That's probably the easiest way.

    You can export the database via phpmyadmin.

    Personally, I have WHM setup to automatically backup daily and send it to an offsite backup server.

    When I need to backup because I'm ugprading I usually just dump from the command line.
  3. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    What's WHM?
  4. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Web Host Manager. It's the server admin side of cPanel when you own your own server or VPS.
  5. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    In that case I need another solution
  6. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Our clients have their standard cPanel backups, which we then copy to another server in our rack.
    We also utilize hotcopy.
  7. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Do you have SSH access to the server, if yes then learn command line backups. If not there solutions out there like phpmyadmin that can make a copy of your database.
  8. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    Unfortunately, no SSH access to the server. I will contact my hosting company, maybe I could add script to the crontab to dump and ftp the database every night
  9. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    What control panel do you have normally you can do this inside your panel. Also maybe you can better start looking for a VPS hosting that way you have more control of your site(s).
  10. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Do you really need to back up nightly?
    Not that there is anything wrong with it but if your DB is huge and your vps restricts you on cpu usage, I suppose it could slow your site. Once a week seems pretty decent on low traffic days, early a.m.

    When you shop around for hosting, let me know. Would like the chance to earn your business.
  11. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    Yes, I want to backup every nights and copy the backup on one of my others servers.

    Didn't contact my hosting company yet, will see with them tomorrow. I'm sure they will help me, they always been awesome
  12. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Curious. how much new content do you get daily?

    Remember to also unpack the odd backup to ensure nothing is corrupted and all is working.

    I used to keep a copy of my main bigboards rsynced on a box. Then about every month or so would mount an updated copy of the DB. Only once did doing this really help out when one of my servers starting having issues.

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