Azhria is right...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Ryan Ashbrook, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    ... they'll let anybody in here. :cool:
  2. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    LOL Haven't you learnt yet? I'm always right ;)
  3. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    I'm quickly learning, having worked with you for the past week or so. :D
  4. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    :D :D

    uh oh 10 character minimum :D
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    it's now 5 :B
  6. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    Needs a :cool: smiley ;)
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    we have one, I just renamed it to : B
  8. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    needs lots of smileys :D - go rob some from AdX LOL
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ya I'll get some from once I'm done importing the databases
    Most sites will have some as well, so if I added a bunch now, and on one of the imports, it was named the same, it would mess up the ones we have now :redface:
  10. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    I sense Alot of big imports gonna happen :)
  11. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    function all_your_post_are_belong_to_us $post )
    If I recall, this is an actual easter egg function in ImpEx. Dunno if it's still there are not, though.

    EDIT: Yep, found it. :D Line 320 of ImpExFunction.php
  12. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    I love those types of things, Epic!
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    that's the plan :)
  14. Steve M

    Steve M Regular Member

    Not only did Azhria get let in, so did I. I think they mis took me for a celebrity or something. :P
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    lmao :D
  16. AzH

    AzH Regular Member

    Oh shit.

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