So, I have never really fully understood everything that this tells me. Like... it is saying that 30% of the visits to my forum are people who stay 0-30 seconds. :waiting: That's not very long. Is that because of bots and spiders?
Are you referring to your bounce rate? I don't think spiders can influence that stat. I would think that you're always going to have some type of bounce. People that follow links and end up on your site and say "opps this isn't where I want to be" and back out. Personally, 30% isn't bad, especially for a forum :ohi:
Bounce rates for my forums tent to be in the 15-20% range, which is supposedly pretty stellar, so I'll take it : )
awwwwww mines more like half at the moment, we havent been as active this week........there still is a quarter staying over an hour though, so thats ok.
I wouldnt use awstats and use Google Analytics instead, apparently theyre meant to be much more accurate. Your bounce rate reflects the traffic you are receiving, perhaps they are not expecting your website or looking for something different, it really depends on the age of the site and the traffic sources, you should check Analytics and see where your main traffic sources are and perhaps consider getting more targetted traffic from elsewhere