I know if the past our interviews at Admin Talk have really been a hit and since that first one we’ve been trying to think of a way to automate the setup. In the past I’d start a thread in the supporters section and we’d discuss some questions for a specific forum admin. Well that’s very time consuming and requires the time of our members as well. This is what we’re going to try out; things can be edited along the way so this is absolutely a work in progress. You should see a Form link up in the navbar which will take you to our forms page. Right now there should be a form for Admin Talk Interviews, click though and examine the questions; let us know if you spot any errors or questions that could be worded better. Eventually the plan is to have a website review form there as well but I wanted to get this part setup asap and I feel it’s at least to a point where I can show it off and start taking submissions. Once we iron out any small changes I’ll start promoting this section all over the web and hopefully get a few early submissions to really test things out. Here is a screenshot I had taken earlier today, I’ve changed a few things but you get the idea.
Would it be possible to darken the text under the boxes just a bit for us old farts who have to squint till our bi focals fall off? Thanks,
updated although I would like to include an image with the interview. Maybe we can request a selfie for the interview. How does it look now?
Software What is your favourite forum software of choice, what makes you stick with using it instead another brand? How long have you run a forum for, what first inspired you to start one originally.
I like the form idea, it's something I thought about before myself. But there was no way to do it as an automated process for interviews.
Looks good, will take a look now. Looks nice, but I would have worded some things better. However, to list everything would take me much too long, so I won't bother Liam
If you were a mind reader, the suggestions forum wouldn't be needed It would also be very concerning, and I would probably avoid you and your sites... Liam
Yes, surely that's what everyone thinks. Although, think like that and bad things will happen. You didn't add any specificities to your request You may end up being able to read minds, but you can't fine tune it - everyone's thoughts come in all the time, just jumbled up in a mess I'll stop being annoying now... Liam