Attention - Major Porn

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Boss, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man


    I've spent the last few days hunting down a troll that's managed to ravage several forums. He/she/it/something will post adult pornographic material, will use pictures of underage males who are members of the site, if at anytime your members have posted their MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, or any other type of social networking tool, please advise them to take precautions.

    The troll hits gaming forums, so owners of forums that belong in other niches shouldn't worry too much, but add the following to their ban lists just in case.

    Included below are Tweets I've sent out within the last 10 minutes. RT them as you wish or post them onto your vB, IPB, SMF, MyBB, Fireboard, phpBB, etc. Twibes networks.

    If your forum is picked, this person or creature I should say will terrorize your members.

    I'm trying to figure out how they work through bans but they were careless enough to mention private proxy networks.

    IP Address: ;

    Email Address: [email protected]

  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Thanks, Boss. Did you report his IP to its ISP?
  3. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    That's the thing, I don't want to report something in case this guy is going through other people's computers. For all I know these can be totally legit.

    I believe the forum owners who this person has caused so much trouble has already sent in a report, which I doubt will do much. *shrugs*
  4. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Oh man, I thought this was....oh never mind :D

    Anyhow, thanks for the heads up!
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Ray - bad! :giggle:

    Boss, reporting to an ISP is effective. Ask Chris; he has a story to tell. He's had to report somebody in the past and it worked. ;)
  6. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    No problem, Ray. But hey, aren't you married? :p
  7. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    He hasn't hit my sites, primarily because I know how these twits work.
  8. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

  9. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Someone ought to start a stopforumtrolls database.
  10. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Yes, it was indeed very effective. This member was spiraling out of control and, from our end, we exhausted almost all of our viable options. After contacting his ISP, we never heard from him again.

    Thanks for the heads up, Boss. People like this are ridiculous.
  11. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about but it' has tons of Spam IP addresses. You just enter a user name or IP and hit search. I have found IP addresses link to dozens of names using this site.

    Stop Forum Spam - Search
  12. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Yes, that's what it should be modelled on, but they don't want you to submit information about trolls. They feel it would be like carrying out a personal vendetta to submit a troll to their database. Which I can understand; a troll might be breaking the rules on my site but perfectly acceptable on another. Still, I think there should be an opt-in database of these people.
  13. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Interesting. I had someone sign on with that email the other day and it just didn't feel right to me so I killed it and added to the banned list.
  14. dee4life

    dee4life Regular Member

    Banned, we should set up some kind of topic for everyone to post bad ips.
  15. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    There are third-party websites that do this, like StopForumSpam: Stop Forum Spam - Forum Banlist

    I think it's best to just consult such a massive and well-known directory rather than host our own here.
  16. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    He hacked Aeon LTD as well as my account;

    NSFW! [expand]
    see here.[/expand]

    Thanks for the heads up. :)
  17. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Oh wow, I'm absolutely sorry, Tom. :(
  18. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Thanks for the NSFW warning by your link, Tom. :frown:
  19. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Not a problem, Boss. I'm not even the founder. So he must have gotten into the Administrator's account and changed things, got into my account and then posted cloying photos.

    Also, Nick, sorry. Next time, for sure.
  20. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Oh please, like you didn't take a 2nd or 3rd look. :P

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