Currently... [ame=""]YouTube - Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Sia - Breathe Me[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - MSTRKRFT feat. John Legend - Heartbreaker[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Queen - crazy little thing called love[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Queen - I want to break free[/ame]
You can't beat a U2 concert for pure unadulterated musicality. No dancers, no backup band, no lip synching; just four boys, their instruments, and a whole lotta decibels.
The sweet sound of The Wallflowers. [ame=""]YouTube - The Wallflowers - How Good It Can Get[/ame]
I like tecno remixes of different types of metal [ame=""]YouTube - Korn - Falling Away From Me (PWW Mix)[/ame] And then there is always Low. [ame=""]YouTube - low[/ame]