Article Spinners

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by Dreek Lass, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Dreek Lass

    Dreek Lass Regular Member

    A lot of website don't like you to copy and paste content, even if that content is your own, but it has just been posted elsewhere on the world wide web. So what a lot of people often do - me included - is they use an article spinner to spin either their own articles so that they can post them elsewhere online, or they will steal another person's article and spin it. That way the content is original

    I am currently using a free article spinner, but it is now offline, and I am looking for another one. What is the best free article spinner?
  2. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Why even do this? Heck, why get a machine to do this (in a way that's likely blatantly obvious) when you could just write your own take on what someone else has reported for nothing? Seems like you're spending more work doing something the 'easy' way than you would if you just wrote the articles from scratch.
    nafretiti and Brandon like this.
  3. Dreek Lass

    Dreek Lass Regular Member

    Have you ever spun an article before? The article spinner does most of the work, so that you do not have to. What take the hard way when you could take the easy way? Why write your own take on what someone else has reported, when a machine can do it for you? You could be doing other things with the time that you would have spent writing out another article.
  4. limcid

    limcid Regular Member

    I've taken a look at article spinners, but I think I've been seeing the wrong ones because one of the programs just provided a side-by-side view to work in. In one view would be the original article's text, while in the other view you could manually rewrite the article. Heh, not much of a program with that one.

    I wonder how much of a time-saver it really is, though. Even with better software that actually uses some type of thesaurus to replace words, you still would have to proofread and correct it to make sure it reads naturally.

    I guess it can be useful for some types of sites. I would be willing to take a look at an article spinner that actually worked well at saving time.
    nafretiti likes this.
  5. Dreek Lass

    Dreek Lass Regular Member

    The free article spinners can be kind of annoying, but if you buy one then I should expect that it performs much better than any free spinner would?

    I have seen a few paid ones that look absolutely amazing, but I haven't purchased them to try them out. You do get the odd sentence that doesn't make sense with the free article spinners. But going through the spun article and correcting the mistakes takes less time than actually writing out another article and then proof reading that.
  6. limcid

    limcid Regular Member

    Yeah, I can agree with that. I think it would be interesting to see what other ways an article spinner could be used. Or maybe similar creative tools to expedite the creation process.

    HANAJIMA Regular Member

    Perhaps it would be better to re-do it yourself. Yes, spinners make it easier, but doing it yourself gives it that human touch. Besides, if it's on one site, people will have most likely already seen it and not be interested.
  8. BennyCurry

    BennyCurry Regular Member

    Every single article spinner I have tried (which is a lot) makes the articles sound like gibberish. Of course you can manually spin the articles yourself, which can actually make hundreds of good quality ones, but you need to invest hours into this, and I unfortunately have yet to have enough patience to do this.

    Content Professor and Spinner Chief are free by the way.
    nafretiti likes this.
  9. bosconian

    bosconian Regular Member

    I have used a few free article spinners in the past and the result is really fuzzy. The spin consisting on changing every single word for a synonym. I don't think it's worth the time correcting one of those spun articles. It would be better starting a new article from scratch.

    Now, I haven't tried a paid spinner. I would expect that it works a lot better than the free ones too.
  10. carlalexander

    carlalexander Regular Member

    I am against article spinning other guys work or even your own work, I mean it just ain't fair to the other person or publisher. What I usually do is read several articles, digest the message in my brain and then write the message in my own words and from what I understood about the topic or subject.
  11. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    Article spinners don't protect anyone from copyright infringement.
    If your spun article says the same things with the same meaning in the same context you've still plagiarized.
    Just because you've changed the words doesn't mean you've changed the ideas being expressed.
    The idea being expressed are what is copyright protected, not the specific wording.
    I wouldn't touch anything that tries to legitimize infringement under any circumstances.
    Often all it takes is one bona fide complaint of infringement to a webhost or ISP and you're out of business without warning.
    If you value your site and all of the time and effort and money that has gone into it this is a bad idea.
    And that's even if it never results in legal issues.
  12. moneyman

    moneyman Regular Member

    Article spinning won't work and most of the spinners are of bad quality. Spinning the original article will result in grammatical errors amongst the other errors and text will be unappealing for a reader. However, most search engines are clever in recognizing duplicate content and therefore being lazy will reduce your rankings in the worst scenario.
  13. nafretiti

    nafretiti Regular Member

    I've tried free article spinners before and the article in question checked back as still being plagiarized, you'll get much better content by re writing it yourself and that way you know the words are changed and you can't get into trouble for doing it. I completely understand that the article spinners are supposed to make it easier but really it doesn't, every time I've tried to spin an article it comes out looking like a three year old wrote it and not making sense at all on a lot of the words that were in it. Best bet in my opinion is don't use them because they are not a safe way to re spin someone's article even your own, they can detect that an article spinner had been used by the way some of the words are placed. If you use the article spinners then more power to you, I will not use them.
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've used article spinners in the past with a little success but it's really much better to have real, original articles on your site. When I've used spinners before it's for other sites to submit articles to with links back to my site. I don't see it hurting you and for the price, it's worth a try in my opinion.
    nafretiti likes this.
  15. andyred

    andyred Regular Member

    I've tried a few spinners and all of them produced gibberish results.
    By the time I went through the article to correct the spinners mistakes and nonsense I could of just re wrote the article myself with perfect grammar.

    Its probably better to do it yourself but let's admit it, it's just so bloody boring and time consuming that's why we look for an easier way.
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