With your forum are you ever satisfied with its activity? To the point where you don't do much work on it, but let it continue to develop and grow on its own? Or are you always striving for more?
No matter how successful a forum is, once you become 'satisfied', you become complacent, and your site will become stale and die a slow death. Never, ever, be satisfied with your site's success. Always strive for more - more members, more activity, more ways to keep it interesting, etc.
Specifically in regards to activity, yes I'm satisfied. At least at this time. Any more and the forums would be diluted. There are 100s of other things such as splitting/merging forums, skins, and other things that I'd like to improve on though.
There's really no such thing as a finished site. Even if you're finally happy with the design and member base, you still have to continue getting links and building up, and keep an eye out for the competition.
eh, I may back off once I get 200,000 members...that or my daily business starts to demand more time.
if I ever have a forum that reaches 200,000 members, I imagine my concerns will shift from acquiring members to server maintenance.
I am never satisfied, I was at one point for about an hour then thought of ways to improve it - and so back to work on it - early mornings 5am until about 2am lol trying to improve.
I don't think one should ever be satisfied. As said above, one might start being laid back if they are 'satisfied' and might lose activity.
If you are completely, 100% satisfied, you're bound to get bored eventually. There is always something to improve and/or work on, whether it be a small theme upgrade or a complete board overhaul - even the "perfect" community is not-so-perfect. While it may look superb (visually) and decked out to the fullest extent, there will always be something that could (and most likely should) be changed or removed. As an example, let's take a custom designed theme. Initially, it may look wonderful - but as time goes on and the forum grows older, it will become outdated and boring. Because of this, acquiring a new theme is most likely the best thing to do. As an administrator, you are expected to be dissatisfied - this is one of the many factors that make our job exciting.
I am actually quite satisfied with the activity on the site. I know I may be weird, but I really don't want it to grow much more. I prune users and keep it at about 80k and it's a perfect level of activity for our two servers. Getting bigger would just mean I would have to worry more about the servers and doing improvements to that and I hate dealing with servers! I am, however, always thinking of new things to code on the site to make certain areas run better. I enjoy that part of running the site. So, I'm satisfied with the activity level, but never satisfied with the code.
No. Even when the members are happy, new ones are streaming in ... I can think of a dozen things that could be better and more attractive. I think it will always be that way.
Satisfied? Never! Even when I'm remotely feeling the first tickling of satisfaction, I think of something new to add or a new site to start....I mean, it's non-stop! Sometimes I get so mentally fatigued from all of the ideas too
I know what you mean, Arny. There's a non-stop, constant flow of new ideas (or so it seems) that are always popping into my head, yet I don't know what to do with them. Should I try them and hope for the best? Should I ditch them and think of others?