I've seen a few here: ibpArcade Downloads (Powered by Invision Power Board) Not sure how Disney feels about them, but I'm assuming Disney is ok with you using their images/stuff else they would have put the kibosh on you long ago
Arny, a little off-topic, but have you ever considered the possibility of being bought out by Disney? I mean, I don't know what their intentions would ever be, but could you just imagine if they did (of course, at your will)?
Nick, I would LOVE for Disney to be involved in a deal where they buy me out and I end up running the site or someting like that
Hope you find something good, the search function kinda sucks and the games aren't categorized very well. But I've seen a Mulan game (actually I have that on my hard drive), and a Kim Possible game, just while browsing. Let me know if you see any good science-related games, please; I don't come across very many of them.
No because i believe it distracts the members from posting, if they had wanted an arcade they would have gone somewhere like fog.com
Yes, on most of my sites with one or two exceptions because those sites are not geared towards casual or gaming types of themes (eg: one is a Church web site). You're going to like the next version of v3 Arcade. We've got some interesting things in the pipeline. Plus we are working with PixelFX to make the integration with vBCredits even easier going forward.
great to know Kevin. I just installed v3Arcade on the new site last night, plus a few extra games. Your selection of games is limited, so I'll be glad when you have more.
The latest versions of v3 Arcade can play IPB v32 games as well so just about any place you can find games (including the link posted above) can be used with v3 Arcade as well. One of the things that is slowly shaping is that v3 Arcade should be thought of as a games environment and not as a games distributor. In the past one of the problems is that "v3 Arcade" was both the name of the actual arcade system for vBulletin and "v3 Arcade" was also the name of the protocol used by games to submit scores. That is why you now see arcade systems saying they can use "v3 Arcade" games (even though it was never intended that "v3 Arcade" games would end becoming a standard game format used by other systems). Prior versions of v3A could run both "v3 Arcade" games & "IPB" games (but not IPB v32 until recently) but there was still a misconception that there were not a whole lot of "v3 Arcade" games available when really there are thousands of compatible games out there. Further confusing matters is that there are few dozen games offered for download directly at v3A so some people are thinking that those are the only games available but really those are just a small sampling of games that the original v3A crew made available for convenience. Going forward we will be working on reshaping some of those ideas of what exactly "v3 Arcade" is so that the name "v3 Arcade" is associated with the actual add-on as opposed to the games. Think of it along the lines of a photo gallery where the vendor provides the gallery add-on but not the pictures to fill it with. Same paradigm but with an arcade... we are supplying a full featured Arcade add-on for vBulletin but not the games. We are, however, working on making it very simple to be quickly up & running with a large collection of games. (I know, I know... I ramble. :doh
ah ok. I was hoping that you'd be supplying "legal" games as well. I love how they self-installed right from your site. I'm quite leary(sp?) about installing games that weren't made specifically for that arcade. Thanks for the insight.
I can't reveal yet what it is we're working on it but it will offer what you're after. We're testing v3 Arcade 2.0.0 Alpha right now and at the same time Brian is working on an entirely major new functionality so it's a bit of a tightrope being walked on in regards to what features will finally end up in 2.0.0 Gold or not. No problem.
This sounds like it's going to be a great update. People have been looking for easier ways of finding games. Thanks!
aye we have v3arcade, not overly used which is just what we wanted. um the battle of our admin has been over a zelda (fish)(flash cards) type game, was quite fun, had the trophy for a while
I have ipbproarcade installed on my forum. Its there because I want my members to have something to do besides just post in the forum. If there is nothing to post about, then go to the arcade and burn some time. The whole purpose is to keep the members on the site as long as possible.