Anyone on Linkshare?

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Saif, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Saif

    Saif Regular Member

    Well, Linkshare is my first affiliate marketing network. Even though I heard many people complaining about them, I think they are a great companies as they do answer your questions. There are also endless number of products to be promoted there. I just couldn't find their bad points!
  2. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    Linkshare may be a good company but I'd watch out if you hear many people complaining about them. They probably aren't complaining for no reason. Many affiliate companies have low commission payouts, sometimes do not credit and in many cases do not pay you at all.

    I'm looking for an affiliate company that pays me through paypal, or else I would use Clickbank, or CJ. They are very popular though pay you through check/wire.

    Tell me how it goes! :)

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