Anyone on HostMonster?

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by tech, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Is anyone here hosted on HostMonster?

    I'm also looking around WHT but if you have any good reviews or good points about them and bad points please post them here because at the moment HostMonster is at the top of my list for moving to a new host.

  2. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Well, I used this once for less then a month (moved onto a cheaper host) and had no issues but, one month is nothing to judge on. I recommend JustHost! or DreamHost or HostGator. Used them all (or still use them) and love them.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Oh god.

    After looking at JustHost they seem much better..

    They use 500 MySQL connection limit and ONLY 100 users on A server..

    How good are they exactly?
  4. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Um...I don't know what you are reading from....

    I have multiple sites (4) hosted with just one account. I also paid only 41.88 for a year. They have a money back at anytime (pro rated). I think you can also get a trial and see for yourself.

    CS never has failed me before.

    I also monitor my sites with Are My Sites Up and never had a report that any of the 4 went down.

    A third I didn't add to the list is WizardWerks. A friend of mine uses it and they can take a beating. The friend often shares file that are 100+ MB and has close to a thousand (if not more sometimes) users downloading all at once. The server gets real slow, but never goes down. And as far as I know, WW doesn't complain...
  5. tech

    tech Regular Member


    They said on livechat that it was 500 connection and 100per server.

    Mind telling me one of your sites on JustHost or PMing me so i can take a look on loading time etc.
  6. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Yep. One is in my postbit and sig (, On is RvO Clan Forums a clan based forum on COD4, however the original forum was part of a much larger forum and the owner has not yet decided to make the split official, one is for my grandma who lives in Florida PK'S Galleria - Home and one I don't want to share.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    According to our hosting plan comparison chart, I could only find these differences: JustHost offers 1 dedicated IP while Hostmonster offers 0, and JustHost offers unlimited databases while Hostmonster has a limit of 100. And JustHost is $2 cheaper per month for a shared plan.

    I have a JustHost coupon for 20% off their 12 and 24 month plans if you do decide to go with them. PM me if you're interested in it.
  8. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Thanks, But I brought HawkHost Standard instead and moved one of my sites to it on Sunday.
  9. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    What prompted this decision? Was the loading time to long? If you don't want to publicly share, you could PM me...

    Also, with JustHost!, if you call them, they offer better prices....

    41.88 for 1 year.
    73.xx for 3 years

    Pro-Rated so you can cancel at any time and get the amount left back.

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