for a VPS? I ordered one about 2 months ago and have not been happy, thinking about moving, but I want to see if I should stick it out any longer...
Never heard of 'em honestly. Judging by their prices, I think they might just be a bit too out there. Then again, maybe it's the package you ordered? If you've got cPanel, you need more memory than the host suggests (at least 512M, probably more). If you've got other things, you need to account for that. Personally, when it comes to VPS', I swear by steadfast/nynoc (now that steadfast owns nynoc). I've done business with Karl on again and off again for years and he's never done me wrong.
I am not looking for a vps for web hosting, rather to host a program. 5 a month sounds great to me. How about host rail *Via my HTC EvO 4G*